北川 誠一
一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会
オリエント (ISSN:00305219)
vol.40, no.2, pp.69-84, 1997 (Released:2010-03-12)

In 1236, the tamachi army of Chormaghan Noyan began to conquer the Georgian Kingdom. Starting at their traditonal winter encampment in Arran, they proceeded to the North West. Their first victims were the cities and districts of the western branches of the Middle Kur. In the Kazakh canton of the present Republic of Azerbaijan, their course was divided into three directions. The Nothern course led them to the central and eastern provinces of Georgia. To the south they advanced and conquered the cities of Ani, Kars and Surb Mari, and third course overran the territories of South-West Georgia. In this way almost all the territories of the Georgian Kingdom were conquered.In about 1240, the conquerd part of Georgia was divided among the six Georgian generals, called the generals of ten thousands (“tmanis mtavari” in Georgian) by the Mongols.After the coronation of Emperor Monke, the conquered part of Georgia was put under the physical administration of Arghun-Aqa who made a census in 1254, and Georgia's population was counted and the area was divided into nine tümens. Each of these tümens could afford ten thousand soldiers. It was after this census that a new tax system was introduced by Arghun-Aqa.


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『モンゴル帝国のグルジア征服』北川誠一 https://t.co/xY9oPT4AfB こっちはトマトスープ先生の『グルジア衰亡記』の方のモンゴル軍によるグルジア襲撃についてだけどルスダンとジャラルの名前はあった~ ディミトリくんは出てこないね、、、
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