Wen-Dien Chang Chih-Yun Fan Chiang Ping-Tung Lai Chia-Lun Lee Sz-Ming Fang
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.28, no.2, pp.378-381, 2016 (Released:2016-02-29)

[Purpose] Bicycle saddle height is a critical factor for cycling performance and injury prevention. The present study compared the variance in cadence frequency after exercise fatigue between saddle heights with 25° and 35° knee flexion. [Methods] Two saddle heights, which were determined by setting the pedal at the bottom dead point with 35° and 25° knee flexion, were used for testing. The relative variances of the cadence frequency were calculated at the end of a 5-minute warm-up period and 5 minutes after inducing exercise fatigue. Comparison of the absolute values of the cadence frequency under the two saddle heights revealed a difference in pedaling efficiency. [Results] Five minutes after inducing exercise fatigue, the relative variances of the cadence frequency for the saddle height with 35° knee flexion was higher than that for the saddle height with 25° knee flexion. [Conclusion] The current finding demonstrated that a saddle height with 25° knee flexion is more appropriate for cyclists than a saddle height with 35° knee flexion.


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Higher #seatheight reduces #cadence variability in fatigued state compared to a lower seat height https://t.co/Tuyy4FodEc #bikefitting
Relative variances of the cadence frequency of cycling under two differential saddle heights. Full PDF https://t.co/Qx0hLcGxNw #cycling

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