Atsushi Hiraga Takeshi Yamaoka Yukari Sakai Yoshihiro Osakabe Aki Suzuki Noboru Hirose
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.30, no.10, pp.1310-1314, 2018 (Released:2018-10-12)

[Purpose] The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a stroke-related scale with regard to outcome, onset, and timing of stroke patients. [Participants and Methods] The participants included 583 out of 996 patients who were admitted to the stroke care unit.The outcomes and 3 stroke scale (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale: NIHSS, Functional Independence Measure: FIM, modified Rankin Scale: mRS) scores immediately at hospitalization, on day 7 after onset, and on day 30 after onset were investigated. This study was analyzed using a generalization linear model with a binomial distribution. The comparisons between outcomes were made in terms of home discharge versus convalescence, and convalescence versus hospital transfer. [Results] Comparisons of home discharge versus convalescence hospital transfer showed a significant difference in the NIHSS and mRS scores at the time of hospitalization, and a significant difference in the NIHSS scale score on day 7 after onset. In comparisons between convalescence and hospital transfer, significant differences were observed in NIHSS and FIM scores at hospitalization, and the FIM scale score showed significant differences on day 7 and day 30. [Conclusion] The study suggested the efficacy of using multiple scales for prediction of stroke outcome with higher accuracy.


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