Itaru Hibino Chinatsu Takeda Kouta Takahashi Tomoya Aoyama
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (ISSN:09155287)
vol.35, no.6, pp.414-420, 2023 (Released:2023-06-01)

[Purpose] This study aimed to evaluate the changes in lower-extremity muscle strength, balance performance, and body composition. [Participants and Methods] In this study, 21 healthy university students who underwent short-term whole-body vibration training without previous whole-body vibration training participated. The study design was randomized between-groups design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three groups; control, training, and whole-body vibration training. All participants completed a six-week training protocol comprising a first two-week training period, two-week rest period following the first training period, and second two-week training period. Over four periods, the participants’ lower-extremity muscle strength, balance performance, and body composition were evaluated. Separate three-by-four repeated-measure analyses of variance, with three exercise mode groups and four periods, were initially used to analyze the primary outcome variables; lower-extremity muscle strength, balance performance, and body composition. [Results] In the three groups, lower-extremity muscle strength, static and dynamic balance performances, and body composition showed no changes during all periods. [Conclusion] This study provides a better insight on the responsiveness of short-term whole-body vibration training and will help determine whole-body vibration programs in revalidation and training.


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Short-term whole-body vibration training did not have effect on young University student. 若い元気な学生には振動療法の効果は明らかじゃなかったようですね。 https://t.co/ALTzHxcoZo

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