松本 敬司 中井 隆亮 福岡 捷二 須見 徹太郎
公益社団法人 土木学会
土木学会論文集B1(水工学) (ISSN:2185467X)
vol.70, no.4, pp.I_1477-I_1482, 2014 (Released:2015-05-18)

The Watarase retarding basin which is located in the lower Watarase River has an important role on the flood control in the Tone River. The design flood discharge of a period of about 30 years hereafter in the Tone River is 14,000m3/s at the Kurihashi of the Tone River.In this paper, the flood control functions of the Watarase retarding basin are investigated by the flood flow analysis when the peak flood discharge under various discharge hydrographs is about 14,000m3/s at the Kurihashi in the Tone River. It is shown from the calculation that the Watarase retarding basin reduces peak flood discharge and delays the peak occurrence time at the Kurihashi by storing flood discharge flowing back to the Watarase River from the Tone River. Furthermore, some remarks are given for the enhancement of flood control functions of the Watarase retarding basin.


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