屋代 如月 西村 英晃
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.63, no.2, pp.155-162, 2014-02-15 (Released:2014-02-20)

For a new insight on solid lubricant of fullerenes and onion-like carbons (OLCs), we have performed scratch simulations on isolated fullerenes/OLCs and monolayer film of their array. Here, molecular dynamics simulation may overestimate bond-forming between the scratch surface and target carbons, so that we consider only the van der Waals interaction between the rigid diamond and fullerenes/OLCs. On this condition, both the isolated/layered fullerenes/OLCs doesn't show rotation but slip on the perfect (001) diamond surface, showing frictional coefficient lower than μ=0.05. On the other hand, the fullerenes/OLCs show rotation and higher frictional coefficients of μ=0.1∼0.3, if we set surface roughness on both scratch walls. In this rotational friction, larger fullerenes/OLCs show smaller frictional coefficients, and the fullerenes shows higher frictional coefficient than OLCs of same size.


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