立部 紀夫
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 45
pp.260-261, 1998-10-30 (Released:2017-11-08)

It was during the late Muromachi Era (1392-1573) that hairdresser's saloons first made their appearance on the streets of Kyoto. In the early hairdresser's saloons, hair on the upper front part of men's scalps (the area known as the "sakayaki") was plucked out with tweezers. Later during the Tensho eriod (1573-92), however, the new method of shaving the sakayaki with a razor was adopted. The tool that was used in hairdressing was shown on the signboard of hairdresser's saloons. Above change is remarkable with the fact that general objects illustrated on the signboards-tweezers in early times; replaced with razors at the next stage.


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