内田 尚希 三井 秀樹
一般社団法人 日本デザイン学会
日本デザイン学会研究発表大会概要集 48
pp.132-133, 2001-10-15 (Released:2017-10-27)

The subject of this research is a perspective in Japanese painting. It considered difference between a perspective in Japanese painting and Western painting. The distinctive features of a perspective in Japanese are a slanted line, a bird's eye view, the perspective expression of a Japanese ink painting and Japanese prints, and so on. While the features of a perspective in Wetstern painting are a linear perspective, chiaroscuro, and the expression of light. This research considered the reason of this difference. The difference is on the ground of the philosophy for nature like this : Japanese have a naturalistic philosophy, Western people have a rational philosophy.


外部データベース (DOI)

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「やまと絵白描画」 の特質と展開 https://t.co/7tz2FSCjHr 日本の絵画表現と遠近法 (1 ) https://t.co/oDyLMh297i やまと絵・浮世絵的表現のための透視投影・正投影・斜投影の統合投 https://t.co/43ROfdYRPF 近世やまと絵の展開 −縦画面構図の考察を通して − https://t.co/cFDD16lUUR https://t.co/ANzvcTQOZk
https://t.co/nUydKPAEWd https://t.co/QQ3YfYxoqS

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