Keita SATO Jiro MIYAMAE Manabu SAKAI Masaharu OKANO Fumihiko KATAKURA Hisashi SHIBUYA Tomohiro NAKAYAMA Tadaaki MORITOMO
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (ISSN:09167250)
pp.20-0142, (Released:2020-07-06)

Transplantation medicine is used for the treatment of severe canine diseases, and the dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) is considered to be important in graft rejection. However, the utility of direct sequencing of both DLA classes I and II has not been assessed thoroughly. Eight healthy beagles with identified DLA genes were divided into two sets of four dogs, each including one donor and three recipients for skin transplantation. The following recipients were selected: one dog with a complete match, one with a haploidentical match, and one with a complete mismatch of the DLA gene with the donor. Full-thickness skin segments were obtained from each donor and transplanted to the recipients. A mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) assay was performed and analyzed by flow cytometry. Skin grafts of DLA haploidentical and mismatched pairs were grossly rejected within 14 days, whereas in fully matched DLA pairs, survival was as long as 21 days. Histopathological evaluation also showed moderate to severe lymphocytic infiltration and necrosis in DLA mismatched pairs. As seen in the MLR assay, the stimulation index of DLA mismatched pairs was significantly higher than that of fully matched DLA pairs in both sets (P<0.001). The allogeneic transplantation results suggested that it is possible to prolong transplant engraftment by completely matching the DLA genotype between the donor and recipient. Additionally, the MLR assay may be used as a simplified in vitro method to select donors.


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the utility of dog leukocyte antigen typing for #transplantation medicine in dogs. The allogeneic transplantation results suggested that it is possible to prolong transplant engraftment by completely matching the DLA genotype between the donor &recipient https://t.co/TVWUq7v9ae

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