灘野 宏正 中迫 正一 河野 正来 南 一郎 山口 博幸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.70, no.690, pp.554-559, 2004-02-25 (Released:2011-03-04)

To clarify the wear resistance and seizure resistance of the vegetable oils with anti-wear additives of Dibenzyl-Disulfide (DBDS) and Phosphonic Acid-Dibutyl (DBPo), the four-ball tests were carried out under dip-feed lubrication using Soda-type four-ball machine. The width of the wear scar on the stationary balls lubricated with the vegetable oils containing DBPo additive was smaller than that without the additive, and was smaller than that containing DBDS additive. The seizure resistance of the vegetable oils with DBDS additive increased in following order : Turbine oil<Rapeseed oil<Soybean oil<Corn oil. On the other hand, the seizure resistance of the vegetable oils with DBPo additive increased in the following order : Turbine oil<Soybean oil<Corn oil<Rapeseed oil. The DBPo additive showed significant improvements in seizure resistance compared with DBDS additive.


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