吉田 武美
日本香粧品学会誌 (ISSN:18802532)
vol.39, no.4, pp.265-274, 2015-12-31 (Released:2017-01-17)

Human has utilized various compounds and metals originated from plant kingdom and mineral resources and produced pharmaceuticals and cosmetics including Chinese medicine. The Edo era was likely to be the beginning of quality management and regulation on pharmaceuticals and chemical substances, and thereafter such regulation has been continued to date by adjusting scientific advancement according to the change of era. In this review, I would like to report and discuss regulation and safety evaluation of cosmetics, come in scientific concept of drugs and toxic compounds, requirement for scientific basis on drug efficacy, health hazard produced by drugs, quasi-drugs and cosmetics such as chronic lead-poisoning, allergic reaction and depigmentation, regulation and management happened and enforced. In addition, prospectives will be paid on the roles of drug metabolizing enzymes presented in the skin of human and animals, many practices of regulations and standards from manufacturing process to marketing, construction and development of alternative testing methods for safety evaluation of cosmetics on the basis of scientific and technological advancement.


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