戸原 玄 Jeffrey B. Palmer Kelly Reynolds Keith V. Kuhlemeier Sara Palmer
口腔病学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009149)
vol.70, no.4, pp.242-248, 2003-12-30 (Released:2010-10-08)
5 12

A simple, broadly applicable, standardized dysphagia severity scale would be useful to standardize dysphagia evaluations, to monitor recovery and efficacy of treatment and to study the consequences of dysphagia. We developed a global Dysphagia Severity Scale (DSS) from videofluorographic swallowing studies which included subjective clinical ratings of functional swallowing. We rated laryngeal penetration/aspiration (P/A) and pharyngeal retention (PR), and then assessed methods for scoring severity of P/A and PR and for combining them in a global scale. Each method was tested by correlation with overall clinical severity ratings. The highest correlations were found by : 1) scoring P/A based on which foods were aspirated (no aspiration or penetration ; penetration only ; thin liquid aspiration ; thick liquid, pudding, or chewed solid food aspiration ; 2) scoring PR based on how much food was retained (none ; minimal ; moderate ; severe) ; and 3) combining P/A and PR by taking the higher of the two scores as the final DSS rating. The final global DSS score and the clinical severity rating correlated well (r=0.71) . This proposed scale shows promise for rating global dysphagia severity.


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