荒牧 央
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.77, pp.59-75, 2010-07-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

Due to the decrease of response rate and the inspection limitation of basic resident register recently, the execution of public opinion poll faces many difficulties. At once the response rate of face-to-face interview had from 70% to 80%, but because of the increase of temporary absence and refusal, recent response rate decreased to 50% level. Especially the increase of refusal become remarkable and in addition to the increase of privacy consideration as a background, the shortage of understanding for meaning of survey and the evasion feeling of visitation by interviewer may exist. To deal with such a temporary absence and refusal, there are some movements of reevaluation of self-registering investigation such as drop-off/pick-up and postal survey. Once postal survey has a shortage of low response rate, some examples show the high response rate recently. And the opinion pools which can use such register has been limited due to the change of inspection system in the basic resident register and electoral roll. Moreover, there are issues that criteria and procedure of right or wrong of inspection are not unified each autonomy level. Recently, while public opinion polls conducted by mass-media are mainly persuaded by telephone survey of RDD, RDD has some issues that the increasing of young people who does not have fixed-line causes distortion of samples. To study more about these issues related to public opinion polls, it may be needed to share and discuss with the fielding methods among survey organizations.


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こっちの方がマスゴミ共がやってる世論調査より実際の世論に近いんだろうな。回答数30倍だし。 マスゴミはいつまでRDD方式で調査するんだろ。回答者も多くは高齢者で、20代のサンプル数なんて5%くらいしかないみたいだし。 出展元 https://t.co/QgimaJOjAd https://t.co/dAmHvQuzUy https://t.co/dO7moKJXRC
@anonymous201504 補足です。 ③図(赤線は私が附しました)は下記リンク先からの引用です。 https://t.co/9mCi4ZpGFA
「生活に満足」74.7% 2年連続で過去最高 内閣府調査 | NHKニュース https://t.co/2Liwtal3HR これについて「どのような方式で調査したのかも不明。ただ垂れ流すNHKもおかしい」って発言を見たけど調査方法(https://t.co/7zYXB76mzR)くらい調べろよ…あとこれも読もうな https://t.co/8DIZDJ5Gb6
@nissui1982 @Simon_Sin 「回収率が低くなれば調査の精度も悪くなるとは必ずしも言えないが,調査不能 が特定の層に偏っており,その偏りが増大していることを考えると…調査精度に少なからず影響」 「回答しなかった人のほうが多いということになれば,調査結果の信憑性にとっては大きな問題」 https://t.co/pQKUCdHHAt

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