村瀬 公胤
教育方法学研究 (ISSN:03859746)
vol.25, pp.29-37, 2000-03-31 (Released:2017-04-22)

Referring to findings of sociology of science, R. Driver and her colleagues identified both a community of science learners and a community of scientists with a scientific community, which constructs scientific knowledge. From this perspective they defined learning science as a process of "enculturation" using scientific knowledge as "cultural tools". But their concept of "enculturation" has difficulty in analyzing the reciprocal process of constructing scientific recognition at classroom. To overcome that difficulty, this paper aims to reconceptualize "cultural tools" and to understand the reciprocal process in the classroom referring to the J. V. Wertsch's analysis of science classroom. In Wertsch's analysis, one student appropriated her peers' utterances to make her own utterance and other students also did same. These sequential appropriation is essential to make meaning. Thus "cultural tools" are also to be appropriated sequentially because the scientific community evolves scientific knowledge day by day. The process of constructing scientific recognition should be regarded as a sequential and reciprocal process.


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