原田 真一 伊藤 信之 衛藤 正雄 朝長 匡 岩崎 勝郎
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.45, no.4, pp.1126-1130, 1996-09-25 (Released:2010-02-25)

We report neuropathic arthropathy of the shoulder joint caused by syringomyelia and discuss the method of diagnosis and treatment.Three patients were treated and their ages were 41, 52 and 55 years respectively. In case No 1, there was swelling and the rapid destruction of the shoulder joint. Synovectomy was performed, however the ROM decreased markedly. Six months later, a shoulder joint replacement was carried out and a temporaly improvement of ROM was noticed. However it became worse gradually again and after ten years later she can abduct her arm only 40 degrees. In case No. 2, the synovectomy was performed, but the destruction of the joint progressed rapidly and the joint was dislocated anteriorly 6 months later. At present she has poor abduction of 60 degrees. In case No. 3, osteosynthesis was carried out for the humeral shaft fracture 5 years ago, however non-union and neuropathic arthropathy of the shoulder joint were diagnosed 3 years. later. Present ab-duction angle is 30 degrees.All these three cases had characteristics of massive swelling, rapid and progressive destruction of humeral head with slight pain.So far in Japan, 36 cases out of 42 cases of neuropathic arthropathy of the shoulder joint was caused by syringomyelia. However, the results of these cases were not satisfactory, even after performing synovectomy, prosthesis or arthrodesis because almost all the syringomyelia cases are slow and progressive and leads to the destruction of the joint.


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新着情報: 脊髄空洞症を原疾患とした神経病性肩関節症の3例: 1126. 整. 形 外. 科. と 災 害. 外. 科. 45:(4)1126∼1130,1996. 脊髄空洞症を原疾患と し... http://t.co/7w5CI5XD #脊髄空洞症

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