Takayuki KAKIMOTO Satoshi MURAI Noboru KUSAKA Fukiko BABA Yohei INOUE Hayato MIYAKE Masato KAWAKAMI Yukei SHINJI Hisakazu ITAMI Shinji OTSUKA Tsukasa NISHIURA Kenji KAWAMOTO Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO Nobuhiko KIMURA Kotaro OGIHARA
The Japan Neurosurgical Society
NMC Case Report Journal (ISSN:21884226)
vol.10, pp.21-25, 2023-12-31 (Released:2023-02-23)

A 78-year-old man underwent a tracheostomy after embolization for a dural arteriovenous fistula. Seventy days after tracheostomy, arterial bleeding appeared through the tracheal stoma. The bleeding stopped spontaneously. However, two days later, arterial bleeding reappeared, and he was diagnosed with a tracheo-innominate artery fistula (TIF). He then underwent urgent endovascular covered stent placement. After the procedure, there was no bleeding. TIF can be a fatal complication after tracheostomy and it is generally treated with open chest surgery. However, a successful endovascular treatment for TIF has recently been reported and may yield better results.


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New Arrival: A Case of Tracheo-innominate Artery Fistula after Tracheostomy Successfully Treated with a Covered Stent https://t.co/DwJ845mRtj #Neuroivr #Tracheo_InnominateArteryFistula #Tracheostomy #CoveredStent #EndovascularTreatment https://t.co/MbquvP8Rry

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