鈴木 孝幸 納富 一宏
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会大会講演論文集 32 (ISSN:13451510)
pp.C3-3, 2019-11-23 (Released:2021-02-01)

The decline in students' reading comprehension is a hot topic. Noriko Arai has proposed a unique indicator called RST (Reading Skill Test) for evaluating text reading comprehension and has evaluated it in six fields. In addition, in beginner programming exercises, there are many students who are expected to be unable to do programming tasks because they cannot read the problem sentence. However, although it can be judged that programming problems cannot be made, the reason why programming is not possible has not been deeply pursued. Therefore, we propose reading comprehension indicators with reference to the indicators of RST, and classify students into multiple types based on the indicators. It is expected that the learning effect will be enhanced by preparing multiple question sentences according to the classified student type and letting students tackle the programming tasks that match them. It is costly to make several kinds of question sentences for the same task, but the learning effect is assumed to increase.


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RSTの文章読解力指標を学生のプログラミング学習に活かすの目的は 『効果としては正解率の向上と解答時間の短縮(時間内での回答数の増加)が見込まれる』 意味を理解することではなさそう >プログラミング演習における成績向上を目指した文章読解力指標の効果的活用 https://t.co/ji5wYbYivw https://t.co/pLWILvANjL
2019.11 初学者のプログラミング演習では問題文を「読めない」ためにプログラミング課題ができないのではないかと予想される学生.なぜプログラミングができないかの理由を深く追求してきていない そこでRST の指標を参考に文章読解力指標を提案 RSTはIRTに基づく適応型テスト https://t.co/ji5wYbYivw

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