高 秀君 大久保 誠介 福井 勝則 金田 博彰
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.122, no.1, pp.26-34, 2006 (Released:2007-02-24)
1 1

For flood prevention, power generation and conveyance, the world's largest Three Gorges Dam was begun to construct in 1993. However, the problem of landslide around the Three Gorges reservoir has not been solved completely so far. Although a lot of geological investigations have been carried out in the field, the role of rock mechanical characteristics in the failure of rock slope has not been cleared thoroughly.In order to study the geological setting and the mechanical characteristic of the landslide area around the Three Gorges reservoir, field investigation and laboratory work including microscope observation, X-ray powder diffraction analysis and uniaxial compressive tests have been carried out. Rock specimens such as two muddy sandstones, a red mudstone, a limestone and a sandstone were collected and examined.The main mineral composition of examined rock specimens except for limestone is quartz. Under the air-dried condition, sandstone is the strongest and weathered muddy sandstone is the weakest. It is interesting to note that calcium contents (carbonate observed) in unweathered muddy sandstone are significantly decreased in weathered one. The decrease in strength for the weathered rock may arise from the dissolution of calcium. For all sample rocks, uniaxial compressive strength shows remarkable decrease under the water-saturated condition. It may be attributed to high content of clay minerals.Complete stress-strain curves were obtained. For all sample rocks, stress increased almost linearly with strain up to the peak strength and then dropped rapidly indicating brittle feature. Weakening under water-saturated condition and high degree of brittleness indicate that very careful and sophisticated measure is necessary to prevent landslide in the area.


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何気なく調べていたら、こんなのが検索に引っ掛かった。 山峡ダム周辺って、元々地滑りしやすい地質みたい。 (自分メモ) https://t.co/zHqHzBraUc
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