金田 尚志
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.17, no.8-9, pp.15-19, 1952-04-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
2 4

The black cod (Erilepis zonifer LOOKLNGTON) is found in the deep-s_??_a bottom of central Japan. The anthor studied the component fatty acids of this body oil and examined the nutritive value of this oil by Rat-feeding. The results obtained were as follows. (1) Black cod was rich in oil and especially the abdominal region of this fish contained 48 per cent of oil. (2) As shown in Table 1, characteristics of this oil differed from other marine fish oils, i. e. low iodine value, no highly unsatura_??_ed acids. (3) The mixed fatty acids of this oil contained 29.7% of solid acids (Twitchells lead salt alcohol test), though the lead salt of solids acids was repeatedly washed by alcohol, the iodine value of solid acids showed 51.8. (4) After several recrystallisation from alcohol the hydroxylated acid manufactured from solid unsaturated acid by Hazura's method of oxidation melted at 118° and its molecular weight was 317.57. (5) The saturated acids separated from mixed fatty acids by the method of Bertram was small proportions of total acids. (ca. 10%) (6) The mixed unsaturated acids of this oil consisted mainly of oleic series, i. e. oleic acid (ca. 55%), C20 and C22 acid (ca. 45%). (Table 3) And presence of these acids was clearly demonstrated by Hazura's method of oxidation and ozonisation. (7) The nutritive value of black cod body oil was better than that of olive or soybeen oils. (Table 4)


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