松橋 啓介 森口 祐一
Geographic Information Systems Association
GIS-理論と応用 (ISSN:13405381)
vol.8, no.1, pp.115-120, 2000-03-31 (Released:2009-05-29)
1 1

The purpose of this study is to improve methods estimating for the distribution of population along urban roadways with heavy traffic in order to account the population exposed to serious noise or air pollutant. Recently, a census covering the whole country provides the population data with the Basic Unit Blocks and the locations data of its center point. Population density in the range of every 10 meters from the roadway is estimated by allocating the population data into the polygon data of blocks on the market. For more detail, the number of population could be allocated into polygon of buildings according to floor space and floor uses. The linear approximation of census population data could be applied for estimating the spatial distribution of people, if the polygon data are not available for the targeting area.


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