Tetsuya Akaishi Takahiro Takahashi Satoko Sato Xiaoyi Jin Atsushi Masamune Tadashi Ishii
Tohoku University Medical Press
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.257, no.3, pp.251-259, 2022 (Released:2022-07-09)

Vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is currently underway across countries worldwide. However, the prevalence and characteristics of prolonged adverse events lasting for several months after receiving the vaccine remain largely unknown. We herein report a 46-year-old woman with prolonged diarrhea and vomiting after receiving the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine for COVID-19. She had no notable medical history, including that of gastrointestinal diseases. She developed vomiting several hours after receiving the first vaccine dose and further developed severe diarrhea after 7 days. Several days after the second vaccine dose, her condition deteriorated, unrelieved by symptomatic therapies, including anti-diarrheal drugs. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed inflammatory changes in the entire segment of the small intestine with wall thickening. The upper and lower gastrointestinal and capsule endoscopies were unremarkable. The patient’s symptoms persisted for more than 6 months after the second vaccine dose. A Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database search suggested that diarrhea is observed in approximately 3% of all vaccine recipients, but a literature review indicated that prolonged gastrointestinal symptoms lasting for several months is very rare. In summary, a case of prolonged unexplained gastrointestinal symptoms, possibly based on inflammatory changes in the small intestine, is described. A literature search revealed that this type of manifestation is very rare, and further evidence is needed to determine the causality between vaccination and gastrointestinal symptoms.


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@udaya_napa @gyan_chakshu Thanks for pointing out the broken link. If only all took the trouble to read my posts like you ! https://t.co/dNvUronMjW You said "Second link, there is no reference to vaccination of any type." Don't look for vaccination everywhere. (That's what we 'anti-vaxers' do :) ).… https://t.co/q96q7eXfiA
@udaya_napa @gyan_chakshu Good point. I don't know if it was blood clots or auto-immune inflammation (or something as yet unrecorded but happening) which was the mechanism that resulted in SBV in that unfortunate youngster. https://t.co/OX6mJDiQR6 shows a case where small intestine inflammation… https://t.co/ps4yVarbpW
Prolonged diarhea after covid vaxx of a sign of E.Coli? https://t.co/18UwYuDeM7
@itsPiNKII No pill a doctor gives you or healthy food is going to fix your issues. You fucked your ass up. Your health will be getting much worse. https://t.co/ziOS86WAgH
Prolonged Diarrhea Following #Pfizer #mRNA Vaccination https://t.co/985C3dchGz
Prolonged Diarrhea Following #Pfizer #mRNA 46-year-old woman with prolonged diarrhea and vomiting The patient’s symptoms persisted for more than 6 months after the second vaccine dose. https://t.co/bQIve0oJpS
38.ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文 遷延する下痢症(46歳、女性) 論文:東北大学 https://t.co/O0sqOlnazB 論文解説動画:鹿先生 https://t.co/m7zm6KQDKp
ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(東北大学2) 2022.5.27 https://t.co/91vJ6QmHjk https://t.co/wzeijXWeP6 CT検査をしているが、これは病態を悪化させる電磁波障害をもたらす https://t.co/L3YaW7xdbb
Nuovi e spettacolari effetti speciali.
Diarrea prolongada después de la vacunación contra el COVID-19: informe de un caso y revisión de la literatura https://t.co/QWu6zJBj1P
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鹿先生(遷延する下痢症、免疫異常) ●ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(東北大学2) - ニコニコ動画 https://t.co/wMeTX1IMco 論文 Prolonged Diarrhea Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report and Literature Review https://t.co/R1UkJWx0qD カプセル内視鏡とは https://t.co/wwK7EoIgxy
鹿先生(ADEM急性散在性脳脊髄炎, 意識障害等で入院、後遺症残る) ●ワクチン後症候群の症例報告論文(順天堂大学浦安病院) - ニコニコ動画 https://t.co/gfy78c4wPO 論文 Prolonged Diarrhea Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report and Literature Review https://t.co/R1UkJWx0qD
有料記事か~ (* >ω<) でもこのニュースは↓ https://t.co/cdpFznVUIb が元ネタかも。長期の下痢というのが vaccined people に見られる後遺症なのだそう もしかして腸内細菌がバランスを崩すのかな? https://t.co/TEogo27fd1

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