山崎 諒 河内 俊憲 永田 靖典 柳瀬 眞一郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.853, pp.17-00181, 2017 (Released:2017-09-25)
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Numerical prediction of air-entraining and submerged vortices in pump sumps is important for engineering applications. The validation of pump sump simulations, however, still is not enough, because the simulations is very complicated; for examples, treatment of gas-liquid interface, detection method of the vortices and selection of turbulence model etc. We conducted numerical simulations of the benchmark experiments of the pump sump conducted by Matsui et al. (2006, 2016) and compared the simulation with the experimental data to investigate the effects of turbulence model, grid density and detection method of the vortices. We determined a threshold of the gas-liquid fraction function of VOF method (α) and the second invariant of velocity gradient tensor (Q2) to detect the air-entraining and submerged vortices by using vorticity, respectively. This method well detected the vortices and well reproduced the experiments for the RANS simulation using SST k-ω model. Large eddy simulation using Smagorinsky model, however, was sensitive to the grid system and difficult to reproduce the experimental vortex structures even for the finest grid system having 3.7 million cells.


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下水処理場や排水機場のポンプ水槽内に発生する渦の計算の動画のフルバージョンです。 参考にさせて頂いたのは、機械学会のこちらの論文です。 https://t.co/W1xsI15ctI #ennovaCFD for #OpenFOAM https://t.co/XVt60NQbcp https://t.co/Qj9ki59egS
日本機械学会論文集 Vol.83(2017) No.853「OpenFOAMを用いたポンプ水槽内に発生する空気吸込渦と水中渦の解析」https://t.co/QLgSuY9QpF
日本機械学会論文集 Vol.83(2017) No.853「OpenFOAMを用いたポンプ水槽内に発生する空気吸込渦と水中渦の解析」https://t.co/QLgSuY9QpF

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