清水 万紀子
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
vol.129, no.11, pp.1351-1356, 2009 (Released:2009-11-01)
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Individual differences of drug-metabolizing enzymes are important determinants for the metabolic fate of chemicals. This article focuses on polymorphic human flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) and dietary-derived trimethylamine. Malodorous trimethylamine is generally converted to odorless trimethylamine N-oxide by liver microsomal FMO3. Trimethylaminuria is caused by functional disorder of FMO3. In this study mutations of the FMO3 gene were examined in self-reported Japanese trimethylaminuria subjects that showed low FMO3 metabolic capacity in urine tests. Nine novel polymorphisms in the FMO3 gene were discovered in self-reported Japanese volunteers. Functional analyses of recombinant FMO3 proteins suggested that these FMO3 gene mutations were one of the causal factors for decreased FMO3 function resulting in trimethylaminuria. Inter-individual variations of FMO3-mediated microsomal oxygenation activities, levels of FMO3 protein and FMO3 mRNA, and its modification in liver microsomes from Japanese samples were observed. Both genetic polymorphisms in the 5′-upstream of the FMO3 gene and some hormonal changes related to menstruation may be causal factors for inter- and/or intra- individual expression levels of FMO3. To assess the palliative cares, it was found that absorbed levels of trimethylamine in vivo would be possibly controlled by selection of precursor foods like fish containing a variety of trimethylamine amounts. These lines of evidence suggest that individual differences of FMO3 are important determinants for the metabolic fate of dietary-derived trimethylamine.


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フォロワーにはよく知られている昭和薬科大学の山崎先生は魚臭症の研究者というよりは薬物動態を研究している人。この先生の論文で面白いのがある。https://t.co/0Rp31QzqfW 右上の「PDFをダウンロード」で全文読める(日本語)。トリメチルアミンの代謝にホルモンの影響があることを示唆している。

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