松浦 律子
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012-09-28 (Released:2012-10-26)

There are several European historical materials on Tensho Earthquake, which occurred on Jan. 18, 1586 in the south-western part of Chubu district. The through research of those materials revealed that all the information of Tensho earthquake was originated from letters written by L. Frois in October 1586 at Shimonoseki Port, Yamaguchi Prefecture as the annual report of missionary in Japan. Since a letter was hand-copied, edited, and translated to Italian or Latin from Portuguese in the late 16th century, there derived some versions of descriptions on damage of the earthquake. The letter in the Portuguese version published in Evora, Portugal in 1589, and the remained copies of the manuscript of "Japanese History" by Frois are only two reliable sources. From those credible European materials, it is apparent that there was the common talk in Kyoto after Tensho earthquake of Tsunami damage along the northwestern coast of Japan. However, it is no more than a rumor.


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同じく天正地震を、宣教師たちの記録から再現した論文です >【資料】J-STAGEに、松浦律子氏の論文「天正地震に関する欧州史料の素性と確実な内容」(地震 第2輯Vol. 65 2012)がpdfで公開されています。興味のある方はぜひ https://t.co/zEGz6Xm3WG

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