松浦 律子
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012-09-28 (Released:2012-10-26)

There are several European historical materials on Tensho Earthquake, which occurred on Jan. 18, 1586 in the south-western part of Chubu district. The through research of those materials revealed that all the information of Tensho earthquake was originated from letters written by L. Frois in October 1586 at Shimonoseki Port, Yamaguchi Prefecture as the annual report of missionary in Japan. Since a letter was hand-copied, edited, and translated to Italian or Latin from Portuguese in the late 16th century, there derived some versions of descriptions on damage of the earthquake. The letter in the Portuguese version published in Evora, Portugal in 1589, and the remained copies of the manuscript of "Japanese History" by Frois are only two reliable sources. From those credible European materials, it is apparent that there was the common talk in Kyoto after Tensho earthquake of Tsunami damage along the northwestern coast of Japan. However, it is no more than a rumor.
田中 圭 中田 高 松浦 律子 田力 正好 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.3, pp.305-323, 2018-06-25 (Released:2018-08-02)
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Kambara Jishinyama (earthquake-mound) located on the west bank of lower reach of the Fujikawa river, is widely believed to be a mound that was tectonically formed at the time of the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. Using old maps and aerial photogtaphs, geomorphological changes around Kambara Jishinyama before and after the earthquake are examined. The Fujikawa river frequently flooded and the course on its west bank changed especially after construction of the Karigane-zutsumi (big bank) in order to protect farmland on its east bank. The area around the lower reach of the river was surveyed in 1803 for the Dai Nihon Enkai Yochizu large-scale map, which is the so-called Ino-Daizu. On that map, the river was at almost the same location as its present course. The historical road map (Kaido-Ezu) of Tokaido, which was the trunk road connecting Edo and Kyoto, illustrated in the same period as Ino-Daizu, shows that the Fujikawa river shifted its course close to the foot of river terraces at the west bank. Due to lateral erosion of the river, part of the Tokaido between the towns of Iwabuchi and Kambara collapsed several times. Subsequently, the road was diverted to the new route via Shinzaka as shown on the 1:20,000 scale topographic map published in 1890. A micro-landform classification map of the alluvial lowland of the west bank of the Fujikawa river based on interpretations of aerial photographs taken in 1952 and 1953 reveals that Kambara Jishinyama was located on one of the former mid-channel bars in the braided channels of the river before the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. The earthquake caused a large landslide that dammed the Fujikawa river for a short period at the foot of Shiratori-yama to the north of Iwabuchi. The discharged flood water changed the river course close to the present stream. Geomorphic evidence for tectonic uplift does not exist around Kambara Jishinyama. The Koike river, a small stream flowing in the former main stream of the Fujikawa river, abandoned at the time of the Ansei Tokai earthquake, concordantly flows into the present main stream of the Fujikawa river showing that co-seismic uplift did not take place at the west bank. We conclude that Kambara Jishinyama was not tectonically formed by the earthquake, but is a product of the river course change.
松浦 律子
一般社団法人 日本活断層学会
活断層研究 (ISSN:09181024)
vol.2011, no.35, pp.29-39, 2011-09-30 (Released:2015-12-09)

Tensho earthquake is one of the most famous large inland earthquakes during the medieval times of Japan. It occurred on Jan. 18, 1586 in Chubu district. It was almost the equal size to Nobi earthquake in 1891, and we estimated its size is around M7.8-8.0. Many major active faults in Chubu district had been assigned as the source faults of this earthquake. However, the careful examination of the historical materials, and the precise analysis of the distribution of estimated reliable seismic intensities revealed that it is impossible to cause the damage of whole Tensho earthquake by a single earthquake of M8-class. The main shock occurred in the south-western part of Nobi basin. The source faults are narrowed down to some faults near Yoro and Suzuka mountains, and Ise Bay, or southern part of Yanagase, Sekigahara, and nearby faults, when we compare the intensity distribution with expected ones for several major fault groups in Chubu district. The famous destruction of Uchigashima Family in Kiun Castle and the crushing death of Mr. and Mrs. Ukon Maeda in Kifune Castle were caused by the different earthquake, which occurred on Jan 16, in some faults near Shokawa River, and its size was around M7.0 ±0.2. In order to reveal source faults of medieval destructive earthquakes, which usually have too few historical materials, we have to be careful to the credibility of information. Those written in later years may be modified through folklore transmission. Even in the primary historical sources such as a diary of an aristocrat or a letter by a missionary, hearsay information in remote area was left with true damages they really knew. Since there are much more destructive earthquakes than those known in the catalogue we have now, the trench results should not be restricted to select the candidate of earthquakes only from the current earthquake catalogue. For example, July 31, 1585, a very strong earthquake was felt in Mikawa, Ise, and Kyoto, and no destructive damage was known in Chukyo area. This must be the first candidate for the latest activity of Atera fault.
松田 時彦 松浦 律子 水本 匡起 田力 正好
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.124, no.4, pp.657-664, 2015-08-25 (Released:2015-09-17)

There are two emerged abrasion platforms on Enoshima Island, Kanagawa Prefecture, Southern Kanto district: the 4.0-meter-high Ryoshimachi surface, and the 1.0–1.3-meter-high Iwaya surface. Both emerged prior to the 1703 Genroku Earthquake. Considering uplift due to the 1923 Taisho Kanto Earthquake and non-seismic subsidence since the Genroku Era, uplift due to the 1703 Genroku Earthquake was 0.7 m or less, assuming that the height of Ryoshimachi surface before the Genroku Earthquake was 3 m or higher. This indicates that uplift of the Genroku Earthquake at Enoshima was smaller than that of the Taisho Earthquake, and the focal regions of the two earthquakes were different in the Sagami Bay. These two earthquakes are not repeating earthquakes at the Sagami Bay area.
中田 高 渡辺 満久 水本 匡起 後藤 秀昭 松田 時彦 松浦 律子 田力 正好

富士川河口断層帯は,平均変位速度が7m/1,000年を上回る活断層によって構成され,駿河トラフのプレート境界断層の陸域延長にあたると考えられてきた(山崎,1979:地震調査委員会,1998など).一方,活動度が高く1回の変位量が大きい逆断層であるとされながら,多くの地点で実施されたトレンチ掘削や群列ボーリング調査によっても,断層運動を示す明確かつ決定的な証拠は発見されず(下川ほか,1996:静岡県,1996: 丸山・斎藤,2007,Lin et al. 2013など),大きな疑問となっていた. 富士川河口断層帯を構成する活断層のうち,東側の断層列は津屋(1940)が最初に指摘したもので,羽鮒丘陵の東縁を限る安居山断層とその南の星山丘陵の北東縁と南東縁をそれぞれ限る大宮断層と入山瀬断層からなり,富士山を中心として円弧を描く急斜面の崖下に北西側を低下させる断層が存在すると推定されている.西側の断層列は羽鮒丘陵の西の芝川に沿った芝川断層と蒲原丘陵の西縁を限る入山断層から構成される.羽鮒丘陵と星山丘陵は北西−南東方向に延びる背斜状の細長い高まり地形をなす.丘陵を開析する谷には小規模な河岸段丘や新規の富士溶岩流(大宮溶岩流(津屋,1940))が分布し,丘陵の長軸に直交する胴切り的な正断層によって上下変位を受けている.古富士泥流堆積面からなる丘陵の北縁に沿って丸みを帯びた急斜面が発達し,その下位の段丘面も富士山側に向かって撓んでいるが,古い面ほど急傾斜となり累積的な変形が継続していることが読み取れる.最近,筆者らはフィリピン・ルソン島中部のタール火山のカルデラ湖を囲む外輪山に,重力性の変形により形成されたと考えられる高まり地形を発見した(中田他,2016).この地形は羽鮒丘陵・星山丘陵と酷似しており,両者の成因が共通する可能性が高い. 駿河トラフの海底には,ほぼ南北に延びる急峻で直線的な東向きの海溝斜面が南海トラフの東端部のから連なり,その基部に活断層が発達する.活断層は,海溝斜面を開析するガリーが形成する小扇状地や谷底を変位させ比高数10mの低断層崖を発達させており,活発な断層変位が繰り返していることを示唆している.この急斜面は湾奥では北北西に走向を変え,由比川河口に達する(中田他,2009).大陸棚斜面上には,海底活断層が富士川河口に向かって分岐することを示す変動崖も存在しない。また,星山丘陵の南東縁を限る入山瀬断層は逆断層とされており,1854年安政東海地震の際に蒲原地震山・松岡地震山がこの断層に沿って出現したとされてきたが,その根拠は必ずしも明確ではない. 近年,詳細な空中写真判読から,富士川沿いの地域で南北性の活断層が次々と発見・確認されている.水本他(2013a,2013b)は,松田(1961)が西傾斜の逆断層と認定した身延断層に沿って,富士川の河岸段丘面の西上がりの変位や支谷の左屈曲を発見した.このうち,山梨県南部町原戸付近の支谷の系統的な左屈曲や,同町井出における河岸段丘面を西上がりに変位させる直線的な低断層崖は,身延断層が左横ずれ変位が卓越する活断層であることを示す確実な証拠である.また,渡辺他(2016)は富士川の東岸,身延駅南の角打〜樋之下に系統的な谷屈曲をもとに新たに南北性の左横ずれ断層を認定し,段丘礫層を変位させる断層露頭を確認した. さらに, 糸魚川−静岡構造線と富士川河口断層帯との間に発達する西傾斜の逆断層(松田,1961)のうち,根熊断層と田代峠断層に沿って河谷の左屈曲が複数発達することを新たに見出した.これらの断層は,「日本の活断層」(活断層研究会,1980)では確実度III(活断層の疑いのあるリニアメント)として記載されているものにほぼ一致する.このうち田代峠断層では,興津川上流の大平付近で認められる支谷の左屈曲が極めて明瞭である.伊藤他(2013)は地下構造探査の結果から,田代峠断層は逆断層成分を有する西傾斜の高角左横ずれ断層とした.また,野崎他(2013)は,田代峠断層の北方延長に当たる音下断層(松田,1960)の断層岩を解析し,この断層が高角西傾斜の横ずれ断層である可能性を指摘した.以上の結果から,南部フォッサマグナでは、糸魚川−静岡構造線と富士川との間の横ずれ変形帯が,駿河トラフにおけるフィリピン海プレート境界沿いの変動帯の陸域延長部にあたると考えることができる. 上述の新知見を考慮すれば,富士川河口断層帯、特にその東列をフィリピン海プレート北縁における陸域プレートの境界をとする考えには再検討が必要である.由比川沿いでは富士川河口断層帯の西列に当たる入山断層が活断層として認められてきた(活断層研究会,2001).しかし,由比川の支谷に左屈曲が複数認められるものの,活断層を連続的に認定するにたる明確な地形的な証拠は得られていない.また,入山断層の北方延長とされる芝川断層についても活断層であることを示す確実な証拠は得られておらず,さらに入念なフィールドワークと詳細な分析が不可欠である.
田中 圭 中田 高 松浦 律子 田力 正好 松田 時彦
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.127, no.3, pp.305-323, 2018

<p> <i>Kambara Jishinyama</i> (earthquake-mound) located on the west bank of lower reach of the Fujikawa river, is widely believed to be a mound that was tectonically formed at the time of the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. Using old maps and aerial photogtaphs, geomorphological changes around <i>Kambara Jishinyama</i> before and after the earthquake are examined. The Fujikawa river frequently flooded and the course on its west bank changed especially after construction of the <i>Karigane-zutsumi</i> (big bank) in order to protect farmland on its east bank. The area around the lower reach of the river was surveyed in 1803 for the <i>Dai Nihon Enkai Yochizu</i> large-scale map, which is the so-called <i>Ino-Daizu</i>. On that map, the river was at almost the same location as its present course. The historical road map (<i>Kaido-Ezu</i>) of <i>Tokaido</i>, which was the trunk road connecting Edo and Kyoto, illustrated in the same period as <i>Ino-Daizu</i>, shows that the Fujikawa river shifted its course close to the foot of river terraces at the west bank. Due to lateral erosion of the river, part of the <i>Tokaido</i> between the towns of Iwabuchi and Kambara collapsed several times. Subsequently, the road was diverted to the new route via Shinzaka as shown on the 1:20,000 scale topographic map published in 1890. A micro-landform classification map of the alluvial lowland of the west bank of the Fujikawa river based on interpretations of aerial photographs taken in 1952 and 1953 reveals that <i>Kambara Jishinyama</i> was located on one of the former mid-channel bars in the braided channels of the river before the 1854 Ansei Tokai earthquake. The earthquake caused a large landslide that dammed the Fujikawa river for a short period at the foot of Shiratori-yama to the north of Iwabuchi. The discharged flood water changed the river course close to the present stream. Geomorphic evidence for tectonic uplift does not exist around <i>Kambara Jishinyama</i>. The Koike river, a small stream flowing in the former main stream of the Fujikawa river, abandoned at the time of the Ansei Tokai earthquake, concordantly flows into the present main stream of the Fujikawa river showing that co-seismic uplift did not take place at the west bank. We conclude that <i>Kambara Jishinyama</i> was not tectonically formed by the earthquake, but is a product of the river course change.</p>
松浦 律子 田力 正好
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.71, pp.103-116, 2018-07-10 (Released:2018-08-09)

After the Russo-Japanese War, too little information about earthquakes was published by the Central Meteorological Observatory, and it has made us left in difficulty to examine earthquakes of the Taisho era precisely. Among such earthquakes, the M5.7 destructive earthquake on August 6th, 1916, in Ehime Prefecture was re-examined by the excavated same age documents. Irazu weather station and other stations, which were operated by the company of Besshi copper mine, reported the detail of this earthquake. Identification of reported places about cracks and falling rocks was done, in addition to the examination of the seismic intensity distribution left in newspapers and the Official Gazette. It is proposed to move the epicenter of this earthquake to (33.95°N, 133.4°E), where is six-km south from that in Utsu-catalogue, and closer to the Ishizuchi fault, which belongs to the Median Tectonic Line active fault zone. It is also found that this event has a felt foreshock a half day before, and a felt aftershock an hour later. This event is the first candidate of destructive earthquakes of the MTL active fault zone in the written history.
中田 高 徳山 英一 隈元 崇 室井 翔太 渡辺 満久 鈴木 康弘 後藤 秀昭 西澤 あずさ 松浦 律子
The Association of Japanese Geographers
pp.240, 2013 (Released:2013-09-04)
