寒川 旭
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.39, no.1, pp.15-24, 1986-03-25 (Released:2010-11-17)
3 2

The Kandayama tumulus is located in the eastern part of the Osaka okain. Crossing this tumulus is the N-S trending Konda fault, which has displaced river terraces and middle Pleistocene deposits. Just on the fault, the bank of the tumulus was upthrown eastward, and the north-western corner of the burial mound arumbled in.These facts show that the latest displacement of the fault occured after the construction of the tumulus. The Kondayama tumulus is presumed to be the tomb of the Emperor Ohjin and constructed in the 4th or 5th centry. The earthquake of 1510 is the only big earthquake recorded in this region, which destroyed the neighbouring Fujiidera temple. The displacement of the tumulus is presumed to have been caused by this earthquake.The magnitude of the earthquake is estimated M7. 1 judguing from the maximum displacement (1. 8m) of the bank of the tumulus. The mean rate of the Konada fault is calcurated 0. 25-0. 4m/103 and the recurrence interval of the earthquake is assumed 5000-7500y.


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-誉田山古墳の断層変位と地震- https://t.co/Ebuo8MQiLy
てか断層の真上に古墳あったら断層変位量から古墳の年代が推定できたり…そもそも断層変位が古墳に表れてる例なんかあるんか? とか思って何気なく調べてたら、やっぱりあるみたい。 寒川 旭 誉田山古墳の断層変位と地震 https://t.co/7Vi81pRK23 https://t.co/F4SxK7dmUs

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