Pia: The Ghost of Dr Car (@Cecalli_Helper)


RT @LeilaniAthenai1: #TMI still cooling 1 ton after 43 yrs INSIDE RPV. 2021 #Japan Atomic Energy Society #Fukushima 3 melted cores out of…
RT @LeilaniAthenai1: #チョルノービリ(小児)甲状腺腫瘍 驚くほど早く短い潜伏期間で発症(山下俊一氏他) https://t.co/Z3tPwdCOW2 2021年 事故時0歳と2歳が甲状腺がん https://t.co/0dOBKPF1Ut 2020年 福…
RT @Cecalli_Helper: "Problems of Discharging ALPS Treated Water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the Sea" https://t.co…
"Problems of Discharging ALPS Treated Water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station into the Sea" https://t.co/7LGrcPWLMN @EnvoyRmi @henrypunat @GreenpeaceJP @MOFAkr_eng @ShaunBurnie @seashepherd @dorfman_p @DrHCaldicott @MKaltofen @Jendo1966 @LeilaniAthenai1 @Asuka_SGP2 https://t.co/AKJGDW7LPs
RT @LeilaniAthenai1: #TMI still cooling 1 ton after 43 yrs INSIDE RPV. 2021 #Japan Atomic Energy Society #Fukushima 3 melted cores out of…
“Measurement of nuclear DNA contents in human gastric cancers” https://t.co/u616hSwXAN @DrHCaldicott @apjjf @bojacobs @LeilaniAthenai1 @Asuka_SGP2 @Jendo1966 @GreenpeaceJP https://t.co/2IVBothIhL
“Eleutherococcus sciadophylloides is a popular edible wild plant among Japanese citizens, though its leaves..known to have relatively high 137Cs concentrations among the edible wild plants” https://t.co/cI4HVdquTM #Fukushima #genpatsu #wildfood #foodsec #health #security #foodban https://t.co/62URrn56ch
@dorfman_p @BNNLV 2010: “Cancer is the third leading cause of premature death in Kazakhstan” https://t.co/LFomdEfFyq Cervical Cancer Incidence in Kazakhstan https://t.co/GsOHejtTTX 2022: “Kazakhstan - Health Indicators” https://t.co/t3lXKPbmBK
"Continuous Estimation of Annual Committed Effective Dose of Radioactive Cesium by Market Basket Study in Japan from 2013 to 2019 after Fukushima" 311 https://t.co/HcQv5VOgt7 #genpatsu @MKaltofen @TimMousseau2 @BeyondNukesInt @nirsnet @fairewinds @DrHCaldicott
@stapf Wait...this was known years ago... 2001 Paper - microorganisms affect the formation of the siliceous sinter https://t.co/94DDsDx8md 2007 Paper - Discovering a new life form in the hot springs of Yellowstone https://t.co/JLL15H1VZ1 So, somebody decided to grab #taxpayer $$$$$? https://t.co/joK4uny6rY
Radioactive 35S Emitted from the Fukushima https://t.co/GT8EoyQ8hz #genpatsu #sci #tech #data #research #climate #security #polict #journo #media #news Detection of radioactive 35S at Fukushima and other Japanese sites https://t.co/pUkOzsi8Zh https://t.co/bHgoG2J8Kx
2014: Radioactive Contamination of Fukushima’s Forests: Application of the Polluter Pays Principle PDF https://t.co/S7l7fsuZHu #genpatsu
RT @honest_kuroki: 原発事故前の2000年、日本の子供の甲状腺検査判定基準は、5㎜より大きい結節はガン陽性判定‼https://t.co/iBVI6dmdSq今の柏市は、約5.4%の子がガン陽性判定‼逃げろ‼@cyborg0012 @asuka_250 htt…
RT @yuima21c: @microcarpa1 Yamashita et al, 2000, "Urinary Iodine Levels and Thyroid Diseases in Children." https://t.co/qls2xMBHsT http://…
Distribution radiocesium fallout forest area Japan after decades of atmospheric nuclear tests https://t.co/2dcuePXLAz Fukushima #climate
decontamination of radioisotopes by wash from polluted clothes derived from Fukushima http://t.co/0AwmUeZpOz Radiation Safety Mgt Vol. 12
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper you can check some englisch abstracts of Prof. Nomura's study:http://t.co/UvDjicAWLe http://t.co/JsA7lbMG…
RT @TAKASHIMA724: @Cecalli_Helper you can check some englisch abstracts of Prof. Nomura's study:http://t.co/UvDjicAWLe http://t.co/JsA7lbMG…


#TMI still cooling 1 ton after 43 yrs INSIDE RPV. 2021 #Japan Atomic Energy Society #Fukushima 3 melted cores out of RPVs, most optimistic scenario to take 70 yrs, more realistically 170 yrs to remove them. JAES casts doubt on total removal "unrealistic" https://t.co/fviaNd2AhZ https://t.co/W8D95ThIbb
#チョルノービリ(小児)甲状腺腫瘍 驚くほど早く短い潜伏期間で発症(山下俊一氏他) https://t.co/Z3tPwdCOW2 2021年 事故時0歳と2歳が甲状腺がん https://t.co/0dOBKPF1Ut 2020年 福島小児甲状腺がん180症例報告 「過剰診断」否定 https://t.co/RxRpmiKZI4 大人の”自然な”甲状腺がんを早期発見? #脱原発 https://t.co/dvM5Fu6ijg
@Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t.co/kksKdt9dXZ
@Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t.co/kksKdt9dXZ
@Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t.co/kksKdt9dXZ
@Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t.co/kksKdt9dXZ
@Cecalli_Helper also http://t.co/iblI0PK3HM http://t.co/aPeKchpCdG http://t.co/R0LlaBexjb http://t.co/2jNuq2kiWT http://t.co/kksKdt9dXZ
@Cecalli_Helper you can check some englisch abstracts of Prof. Nomura's study:http://t.co/UvDjicAWLe http://t.co/JsA7lbMG6H
@Cecalli_Helper you can check some englisch abstracts of Prof. Nomura's study:http://t.co/UvDjicAWLe http://t.co/JsA7lbMG6H

