Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor)


RT @gerdosi: Case report with an interesting order of causation: "hyperinsulinemia and subsequent hyperphagia played a role in the developm…
@Plantbiased @bokkiedog @TuckerGoodrich oxLDL is what they want to avoid talking about, and demonise old LDL - see here: https://t.co/JrZNa6mcKR
@bigfatsurprise @natureboyrr @ProfTimNoakes Hi Nina, minutes published from the Japan Society of Lipid Nutrition: https://t.co/LZjv0H0srB
Here's another interesting one of many - great to see the discussion emerging properly in recent years: https://t.co/hUbq9U7f7f


Case report with an interesting order of causation: "hyperinsulinemia and subsequent hyperphagia played a role in the development of NAFLD" The patient increased his fruit intake to deal... https://t.co/vvA3TOgaFb
@OZmandia @LDLSkeptic @FatEmperor @DumpFred @DaveKeto @JTMarlin77 @DrAseemMalhotra @malcolmken The immune response with or without infection can kick it off: "Sterile inflammatory responses are also implicated in the development of myocardial infarction (MI). "NLRP3 inflammasome as a novel player in myocardial infarction" https://t.co/I83N8dweGi HNE induces NLRP3, too.

