A new paper by Higaki @_ta93 , #IROAST International Joint Research Faculty Member, has been published on "CYTOLOGIA"!
J-STAGE Articles - Intracellular trafficking regulation … https://t.co/Oc8lqMdqdf
さらに、松尾先生の第77回日本セラミックス協会@CSJ_Japan 進歩賞受賞記念レビュー論文も今週発表されました。Dr. Matsuo's review paper commemorating his receipt of the 77th Ceramic Society of Japan Progress Award was also published this week! https://t.co/8Kfqs8Y6EN @jstage_ej
#IROAST Director Takashima's paper was added on our website! 高島研究機構長の論文がIROASTウェブサイトに追加されました!
#kumamotouniversity #熊本大学 #research #研究@jstage_ej
A paper;"Calcium signaling contributes to xylem vessel cell differentiation via post-transcriptional regulation of VND7 downstream events" by Dr. HIGAKI who is one of #IROAST “International Joint Research Faculty Members” has been added on our website!
Associate Professor Higaki Takumi's paper "Wide-range segmentation of cotyledon epidermal cells for morphometrical analysis and mechanical simulation" has been released online.
#IROAST #research #j-stage