“How did COVID-19 impact development assistance for health? – The trend for country-specific disbursement between 2015 and 2020” by Dr. Wakabayashi et al. has been published in GHM.
#ODA #DevelopmentAssistanceForHealth #COVID19
URL; https://t.co/kGKCY5Eexv
若林上級研究員らによる「How did COVID-19 impact development assistance for health? – The trend for country-specific disbursement between 2015 and 2020 」がGHMに掲載されました。#ODA #COVID19
URL: https://t.co/kGKCY5Eexv
“Association between Health Indifference and Problem Drinking using a Nationwide Internet Survey” by Dr. Wakabayashi et al. has been published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine. #Health interest # drinking
URL; https://t.co/t5giclhY9T https://t.co/nFFz0XRE2A
若林上級研究員らによる「Association between Health Indifference and Problem Drinking using a Nationwide Internet Survey」がEnvironmental Health and Preventive Medicine (日本衛生学雑誌)に掲載されました。#健康無関心層 #問題飲酒
URL: https://t.co/t5giclhY9T https://t.co/4Pwg9WsK0p
!New paper! “Global extension of Japanese medical products related to #COVID-19: a survey of WHO Emergency Use Listing “by Dr. Wakabayashi et al. has been published at GHM open. #Globalprocurement #SDG3 https://t.co/ycwkaCAE8H
若林上級研究員らによる「Global extension of Japanese
medical products related to #COVID-19: a survey of WHO Emergency Use Listing」がGHM openに掲載されました。 #国際公共調達 #SDG3 https://t.co/ycwkaCAE8H
[New Publication]“Global landscape of the COVID-19 vaccination policy: Ensuring equitable access to quality-assured vaccines” by Dr. Wakabayashi has been published.#COVID19 #vaccine #policy #COVAX
[New Publication] “Unfinished business: lessons for future G20 meetings on a more inclusive understanding of universal health coverage” by Ms. Ishizuka et al. is now published online on GHM_open. https://t.co/6iKlnxsk9J
【新着論文】石塚客員研究員らによる論文「Unfinished business: lessons for future G20 meetings on a more inclusive understanding of universal health coverage」がGHM Open @GHM_NCGM に公開されました。
A paper entitled “Impact of COVID-19 on University Students: With Focus on International Students in Japan” by Prof. Katsuma (Director, Department of Global Health Affairs & Governance) was published in the Journal of International Health
DOI: https://t.co/CJlzf1f1VG