Mami Wakabayashi Yasunori Ichimura Eiichi Shimizu Tomoko Nishioka Yuzuru Kono Masahiko Doi Yuriko Egami Tomoka Kadowaki Hiroyasu Iso Noriko Fujita
National Center for Global Health and Medicine
GHM Open (ISSN:2436293X)
pp.2021.01032, (Released:2022-02-26)

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been utilizing Emergency Use Listing (EUL) to expand access to medical products during the COVID-19 pandemic. EUL is a risk-based procedure for assessing and listing unlicensed vaccines, medicine, and in vitro diagnostics. To determine whether Japanese medical products acquired EUL relating to COVID-19, we conducted desk research as a part of a new project. Results showed that thirteen of twenty-eight in vitro diagnostic products were from China and three of ten vaccines on EUL were from India. However, only one vaccine manufactured in Japan was on EUL. A common weakness of Japanese companies in the global public procurement market was a lack of knowledge on qualification systems for medical products. We hypothesized holistic approaches from private companies and systematic supports from public sectors are required for a response to an emergency. These activities could lead to contribute to global health issues through sustainable businesses.


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!New paper! “Global extension of Japanese medical products related to #COVID-19: a survey of WHO Emergency Use Listing “by Dr. Wakabayashi et al. has been published at GHM open. #Globalprocurement #SDG3 https://t.co/ycwkaCAE8H
若林上級研究員らによる「Global extension of Japanese medical products related to #COVID-19: a survey of WHO Emergency Use Listing」がGHM openに掲載されました。 #国際公共調達 #SDG3 https://t.co/ycwkaCAE8H

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