That aside for now, the first study about the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine came out of China on February 19, "Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies"
@Asunam7433 @dondilou1 @gavia88cc @raoult_didier Il faut connaître notre histoire: les chinois ont publié cette étude historique, Game Changer, le 19 février, qui a fait le tour du monde. Le Pr Roult l'a lu
The original Chinese study, published Feb. 19, showing efficacy of chloroquine vs coronavirus, for those who want to see where it all started. The war against HCQ is not over, the whole thing needs to be investigated: medical, economic, political, media.
@RobbersonJon @ProlongingCovid 13 Yr Old:
19 Yr Old:
25 Yr Old:
What are we expecting when we start hitting the 5-11's or the 0-5's?