昨年出した論文がBiophysics and Physicobiology Editors' Choice Award 2023を受賞しました!
Phenotypic systems biology for organisms:Concepts, methods and case studies
より一層励みます。 https://t.co/K5fAX6wTEc
Comprehensive analysis of downstream transcriptomic features in the competitive relationships between BEH3 and other BES/BZR transcription factors https://t.co/QbIwN4urwh
Our new flatworm paper is out!
We report a colorful marine flatworm Bulaceros porcellanus Newman & Cannon, 1996 from Misaki as the first record of this species from Japan. Open access.
https://t.co/5t6xQi6Elb https://t.co/5zGHBXuPDr