Haruko N/E (@haruko_n)


備忘録:カセットテープ、ソノシートのデジタル化の手引 https://t.co/KbkfyP4PwL
@farahwardani It's digitalised by NDL here http://t.co/ySi3EbRr & again the rough trans of the contents can be found→ http://t.co/ymBGYuaR
@farahwardani It's digitalised by NDL here http://t.co/ySi3EbRr & again the rough trans of the contents can be found→ http://t.co/ymBGYuaR
@farahwardani B4 answering, let me show you the clear one! http://t.co/2A0z6k8W It's his also in his book in 1930 http://t.co/ZQS9aoU9
@farahwardani B4 answering, let me show you the clear one! http://t.co/2A0z6k8W It's his also in his book in 1930 http://t.co/ZQS9aoU9
@farahwardani Here comes another obscurity...dark one in the middle. From Takei's book on NDL http://t.co/viVNbStZ http://t.co/tte965Lk


「<知識>としての占い/おまじない」と少女 : 雑誌『マイバースデイ』読者投稿欄の分析から」がpdfになりました。目を通していただけると嬉しいです。 https://t.co/WMVyPtpgtB

