"Mild and Rare" Nate (@kdogni)


@DowdEdward It was reckless and potentially deadly even without the experimental mRNA gene therapy with no off switch tossed in the stew. ADE. Even Fauci admitted that. Known since 1960. Seen with a cat coronavirus vaxx in 1997. https://t.co/P06Db4x3C2
@ScottAdamsSays No. Read about ADE and feline infectious peritonitis. Add experimental mRNA gene therapy with no off switch as the technology and it's called extreme depraved indifference. Thank BARDA and the US DoD who ran this murderous shit-show. https://t.co/P06Db4x3C2
@RaoulGMI @capitalistexp @LibertyBlitz @DavidBCollum "The ADE of FIPV infection is a barrier to the development of FIPV vaccines" https://t.co/3sXyJYT2oD Best we skip the pesky animal studies & go straight to planetary scale human injections. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Extinction events are cool.
@NikolovScience @truthismaster Tal conveniently left out the part about deadly antibody-dependent enhancement. Here they tried & failed to "vaccinate" for feline infectious peritonitis. If there has been a success story, I would like to read about it. I don't any. https://t.co/P06Db4O6E2


