慧文社 (@keibunsha_books)


RT @NDLJP_en: The first Japanese translation of Origin of Species is available on NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/GTEa2GcYQE #ndldigit…
RT @NDLJP_en: Old man with a lump (Kobutori jiisan). This is one of a series of translated #JapaneseFolktales. Translated by J.C. Hepburn,…
RT @NDLJP_en: This book published in 1930 gives you a detailed explanation of how to draw a #manga. The author is manga artist Okamoto Ippe…

45 0 0 0 OA 小供風俗 手鞠

RT @NDLJP_en: Do you know what kind of games children enjoyed in the past? Find out in these pictures drawn by MIYAGAWA Shuntei, a #ukiyoe…
RT @NDLJP_en: Find your favorite #ChildrensBook at the NDL Digital Collections! You can enjoy a wonderful picnic like in this book. https:/…
RT @ronbuntter: こんな論文どうですか? 小河滋次郎の行刑思想--刑法改正案をめぐって(小野 修三),1994 https://t.co/GgLUv1YTRf 内山秀夫教授退職記念号一 はじめに二 『刑法…


The first Japanese translation of Origin of Species is available on NDL Digital Collections https://t.co/GTEa2GcYQE #ndldigital https://t.co/d5uNKaXLS0
Old man with a lump (Kobutori jiisan). This is one of a series of translated #JapaneseFolktales. Translated by J.C. Hepburn, an American physician and missionary who propagated the Hepburn system of romanizing Japanese. #Chirimenbon #ndldigital https://t.co/tXSYWpHzkF https://t.co/qqsvTY6vml

45 0 0 0 OA 小供風俗 手鞠

Do you know what kind of games children enjoyed in the past? Find out in these pictures drawn by MIYAGAWA Shuntei, a #ukiyoe painter. #ndldigital https://t.co/O03oq4BpwP https://t.co/voLRGjfSS7
This book published in 1930 gives you a detailed explanation of how to draw a #manga. The author is manga artist Okamoto Ippei, father of the world-famous artist #OkamotoTaro. https://t.co/tZNEcQ0K9D https://t.co/kGShzz5a7F
Find your favorite #ChildrensBook at the NDL Digital Collections! You can enjoy a wonderful picnic like in this book. https://t.co/eWjAXnuUeN https://t.co/ik59XNWBBx
An open data workshop, “Hackathon: Let's make maximum use of the NDL's data” https://t.co/0CN0Mh9uln https://t.co/eKBqorD8EJ
サンタクロースが日本に初めて現われたのは、幕末の町奉行所の与力だった原胤昭による、明治7年のクリスマス会と言われる。勝田彩香「明治大正期のクリスマス受容-クリスマス・サンタクロースの諸表象-」(『リテラシー史研究』6)が参考になる。 https://t.co/bZAKnDPt62
こんな論文どうですか? 御船層群から産出した日本で最初の肉食恐竜(長谷川 善和ほか),1992 https://t.co/BJWSMls9Eq

