じじ (@marubana2021)


RT @hkakeya: Based on a statistical analysis of mutations, our peer-reviewed paper concludes the Omicron variant is highly likely a product…
怖くないですか?   遺伝学に波紋を呼ぶ環状RNA nature@com Nature ダイジェスト Vol. 10 No. 5 | doi : 10.1038/ndigest.2013.130530 ウ イ ロ イ ド 自律複製するノンコーディングRNA https://t.co/QG4H6uDPlw


Based on a statistical analysis of mutations, our peer-reviewed paper concludes the Omicron variant is highly likely a product of artificial manipulation. But I was at a loss who did it. Now I've come up with a suspect. https://t.co/7ZsHmBfv9u https://t.co/EHDsLZxY9e

