This is the 2nd time bioRxiv rejects our preprint. In the 1st case, the rejected paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to a journal shown below. We plan to submit the above preprint to a journal under no pressure from Western virologists to see the result.
Actually, I posted my paper below to bioRxiv but was rejected, which I later submitted to an academic journal and was accepted after peer-reviews.
Based on a statistical analysis of mutations, our peer-reviewed paper concludes the Omicron variant is highly likely a product of artificial manipulation. But I was at a loss who did it. Now I've come up with a suspect.
@elonmusk Before you step down, please provide us with #FauciFiles. Virologists are still continuing gain-of-function research, which can kill billions of people. The Omicron also likely has a lab origin as our peer-reviewed paper shows. Stop them right now.
A revised version of our preprint "Multiple probabilistic analyses suggest non-natural origin of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant" has just been uploaded. This is an extension work of our previously peer-reviewed and published paper.
Our paper below, which shows that the Omicron variant is highly likely a product of non-natural process including artificial genetic modification, is published in IPSJ Trans. on Bioinformatics.
I don't understand why Trump fanatics in Japan can tell sheer lies without any hesitation. This person says I do not write papers recently, but I have two papers published in peer-reviewed journals this year alone.