高橋 和雄 中村 百合 清水 幸徳
土木学会論文集 = Proceedings of JSCE (ISSN:02897806)
vol.604, pp.85-98, 1998-10-20
3 2

本研究は, 雲仙普賢岳の火山災害における被災者用の応急仮設住宅の建設, 環境改善, 解体に至るまでの経緯を調査し, 災害救助法に基づく被災者用の応急住宅対策の課題を明らかにする. さらに, 応急仮設住宅入居経験者に対して実施したアンケート調査をもとに, 住環境, 周辺環境, 精神衛生対策などについて分析し, 長期災害時の住環境管理めあり方を議論する.More than ten thousands inhabitants were obligated to stay places of refuse for a long time without their ordinary works during volcanic eruption of Mt. Fugen in Unzen. 1455 temporary dwellings were built to give relief to the suffers. The disaster relief law was stretched to cope with the size of family in this area. Living environment of the dwelling was improved and disaster mental health was checked to support evacuees living in the temporary dwelling for a long time. In the present paper, management on living environment of temporary dwellings is studied by reports and questionnaire survey and compared with the case of earthquake disasters.


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こんな論文どうですか? 雲仙普賢岳の火山災害における応急仮設住宅の建設の経過と住環境管理(高橋 和雄ほか),1998 https://t.co/5ALPmUEYtC

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