清末 徹治
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.54, no.6, pp.510-520, 2000
3 7

Tooth crown traits of the Hui of Liao-ning province, China, were examined and compared with 23 East Asian populations in order to clarify the anthropological position of the Hui based on Mongoloid dental variation. Plaster models were taken from 81 male and 87 female students, 16 to 19 years of age, of the Hui tribe middle high school in Sheng-yang. Nineteen non-metric traits of tooth crown were classified using the Arizona State University dental anthropolpgical system and counted with the individual count method. The frequencies of 19 traits in the Hui were compared with 23 East Asian populations. On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated high frequencies were Double shoveling (UI1), Canine medial ridge (UC), Lingual cusp variation (LP2), Hypocone (UM2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Protosylid (LM1), Deflecting wrinkle (LM1) and Cusp 7 (LM1), and low frequencies Winging (UM1^2), Interruption groove (UI2), Tuberculum dentale (UI2), Cannine distal accessory groove (UC), Odontome (UP1), Cusp 5 (UM1), distal trigonid crest (UM1), Cusp 6 (LM1) and Y-groove pattern (LM2). On comparing the eight crown traits that indicated significant differences between Sinodonty which is typical of Northeast Asia, and Sundadonty which is typical of Southeast Asia, the Hui had six Sinodont-like traits : Shoveling, Double-shovel, Carabelli's trait, Cusp 5, Deflective wrinkle and Y-groove pattern, and two Sundadont-like traits : Winging and 4 Cusp. Two major clusters were obtained from a cluster analysis on the Ward method among 23 East Asian populations and the Hui, based 19 crown traits. One was Sinodonty cluster, and the other Sundodonty cluster. The Hui was included in the Sinodonty cluster. The Sinodonty cluster were divided into two subclusters, one was the Han and Japanese group, and the other the Chaoxian and the Man group. The Hui was included in the latter. Furthermore, the multidimensional scaling analysis showed that the Hui was closest to the Chaoxian and the Man, and nearest to Sundadonty as contrasted with typical Sinodonty. Judging from the above analysis, it was proved that the dentition of the Hui was characteristic of both Sinodonty and Sunndadonty, and the Hui was the closest to the Chaoxian and the Man in the East Asian Mongoloid populations.


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日本でもこんな論考が発表されていたなそういえば。清末徹治「中国遼寧省回族の歯の形質人類学的研究」『九州歯学会』54(6),2000. http://t.co/kWa03StK東北においても、回民はこの手の調査考察の対象として、「有用」な事例だったりするのかね。
日本でもこんな論考が発表されていたなそういえば。清末徹治「中国遼寧省回族の歯の形質人類学的研究」『九州歯学会』54(6),2000. http://t.co/kWa03StK東北においても、回民はこの手の調査考察の対象として、「有用」な事例だったりするのかね。

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