鈴木 裕法
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.59, no.2, pp.61-79, 2005-05-25 (Released:2017-12-20)

本研究は中華人民共和国西部の新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市に居住するウイグル族の歯冠形質の特徴ならびに他民族集団との人類学的位置関係を明確にすることを目的とした.研究資料として中華人民共和国新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市の民族中学校に通学する16歳〜19歳の男女各80名より採取された上下顎石膏歯列模型を用いた.研究方法はArizona State University Dental Plaque Systemを基準として,歯冠19形質の出現頻度と発達程度を調査し,モンゴロイド9民族集団,コーカソイド2民族集団ならびにネグロイドとの比較を行い,以下の結論を得た.1.観察したウイグル族の歯冠19形質のなかで出現率の高いものは,Canine distal accessory ridge (UC), Premolar lingual cusp variation (LP2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Hypocone (UM2)および4cusp (LM2)の5形質であった.また,出現率の低いものはCanine mesial ridge (UC), Odontome (U and LP1, 2), Distal trigonid crest (LM1), Cusp7 (LM1)およびY-groove pattern (LM2)の5形質であり,周辺の民族集団とは明らかな相違があった.2.ウイグル族の歯冠19形質のうち,コーカソイド的であったのはShoveling (UI1), Double-shovel (UI1), Odontome (U and LP1, 2), Carabelli's trait (UM1), Cusp6 (UM1)および4cusp (LM2)の6形質,シノドント的であったのはWinging (UI1^2), Tuberculum dentale (UC), Premolar lingual cusp variation (LP2), Cusp5 (UM1), Protostyid (LM1)およびY-groove pattern (LM2)の6形質であった.このことからウイグル族の歯冠はコーカソイドとモンゴロイドの双方の特徴を持つことがわかった.3.ウイグル族と他民族集団との類縁性を歯冠19形質に基づいて明らかにするため,Ward法を用いてシノドント(日本人,漢族,満族,朝鮮族,回族,ダフル族,ナシ族),スンダドント(縄文人,タイ人),コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ人,北アフリカ人),ネグロイド(Sub-Saharan African)とのクラスター分析を行った.その結果は,ウイグル族はシノドントとスンダドントからなるモンゴロイド集団のクラスターではなく,ヨーロッパ人と北アフリカ人のコーカソイド集団とネグロイドを含むクラスターに含まれた.4.ウイグル族とシノドント(日本人,漢族,満族,朝鮮族,回族,ダフル族,ナシ族),スンダドント(縄文人,タイ人),コーカソイド(ヨーロッパ人,北アフリカ人),ネグロイド(Sub-Saharan African)の12集団の多次元尺度法による分析を行った結果,ウイグル族はシノドント集団とコーカソイド集団の中間に位置していた.以上のことから,中国新彊ウイグル自治区ウルムチ市に居住する現代ウイグル族はシノドント集団とコーカソイド集団の中間的形質を持つことからシノドントとコーカソイドの混血民族であることが歯冠19形質からも示唆された.
中村 恵子 鱒見 進一 安東 俊介 竹内 敏洋 久保 雅晴 安元 和雄 金藤 哲明
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.61, no.2.3, pp.77-81, 2007 (Released:2008-09-16)
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安藤 慎一郎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.34, no.4, pp.377-397, 1980-11-25 (Released:2017-12-22)

Gingivectomy was performed experimentally in adult rhesus monkeys and patho-histological and neurohistological observations were made of the healing process of the wounds for six weeks from the second day after operation. The results were as follows : 1. Regeneration of the epithelium of the gingivectomy wounds began on the second day after operation and the surface coverage of the wounds was complete on the tenth day. 2. Proliferation of young granulation tissue in the lamina propria of the gingiva began on the third day. Fibration followed and the direction and arrangement of fibers became regular on the 28th day, findings similar to the control's. 3. Bone resorption at the alveloar process was observed in about a half of the cases between the first and fourth week and in two out of six cases in the sixth week. Addition of new bones began on the tenth day and increased thereafter, and the similar findings were observed in four out of six cases in the sixth week. 4. Findings of degeneration such as swelling, lacerations, hypochromatosis, and granular decomposition were observed as early as on the second day around the central cut-surface of the nerve fibers severed in gingivectomy. 5. The degenerative findings around the cut-surface gradually advanced toward the central side and were the most significant on the fifth day. The degeneration of nerve fibers extended to the mucobuccal fold in the alveolar mucous membrane and to the apical region in the periodontal membrane. 6. Regeneration of nerve fibers began in the first week and formation of Bungner's bands was observed in the periodontal membrane from the dental neck to a half of the root and under the attached gingival mucous membrane. 7. Many minute regenerated nerve fibers were seen in the margin of granulation tissue under the new free gingival mucous membrane on the tenth day. Regenrated knob-like nerve endings were seen under the new attached gingival mucous membrane. 8. The findings in the periodontal membrane at the apical region in the second week were about the same as for the control. The amount of distribution however was slightly increased. 9. Many regenerated nerve fibers and free nerve endings were seen under what is called new free gingival mucous membrane of the external marginal epithelium and inner marginal epithelium, and their distribution was about the same as for the control. 10. The nerve fibers under the periodontal membrane and alveolar mucous membrane were still minute in the fourth week and the amount of distribution increased slightly compared with that for the control. The findings in the sixth week were about the same as for the control.
土田 雅通
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.25, no.3, pp.215-249, 1971 (Released:2017-12-23)

The recent advances in the atomic absorption spectrophotometry has facilitated the studies on the copper and zinc levels in blood of the cancer-bearing organism. But there are few reports in which these metals in the whole blood and plasma as well as formed components of blood, i.e. erythrocytes and leucocytes were determined with use of a single blood sample. The present author applied the apparatus of the atomic absorption spectophotometry (HITACHI-207) for the determination of the copper and zinc contents in the whole blood and in the components of blood. A total of 76 cases were examined, consisting of 31 patients with malignant tumors including 10 cases of oral cancer, 20 patients with benign diseases and 25 normal persons. The copper and zinc levels in blood showed a remarkable difference only in the plasma between the normal group and the group with malignancy. In the normal group, the copper of the plasma was 1.21±0.21μg/ml. On the other hand, in the group with malignancy, the plasma copper levels were significantly higher than in the normal group, being 1.02±0.21μg/ml. In the normal group the copper content in the erythrocytes was 0.94±0.10μg/ml, and that in the whole blood was 1.05±0.13μg/ml, whereas the zinc content in the erythrocytes was 13.9±2.6μg/ml, and that in whole blood was 7.56±2.36μg/ml. The mean of copper content in the leucocytes was 16.2μg/10^<10> cells. The zinc content in the leucocytes was 152±44μg/10^<10> cells in the normal group, 160±76μg/10^<10> cells in the group with malignant tumors, and 144±61μg/10^<10> cells in benign diseases. There was no significant difference among these groups. In the group with malignant tumors, however, the cases with oral cancer showed a significantly higher level of 213±80μg/10^<10> cells than the normal group (p<0.002), and the cases with the cancer of the stomach and other organs tended to show lower levels than the normal group. Furthermore, an inverse correlation existed only in the groups with malignancy between the number of the leucocytes and the zinc content in the leucocytes (γ=-0.4720). This correlation was also noticed in the group with the cancer of stomach and other organs (γ=-0.5298), and a similar tendency was found in cases of oral cancer although no correlation of statistical significance could be proved. The fact that these latter patients had been subjected to the chemotherapy and radiological treatments before the blood examination, might be one of the causes of the phenomenon. No correlation existed between the score of dithizone staining of the leucocytes that was obtained with the method of Fujimoto in our department and the zinc content in the leucocytes that was determined with the present method.
仲西 修 山室 宰 福井 偉功人 神 房次 冨宿 博隆 木庭 浩高 堀内 信子 西 正勝
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.49, no.4, pp.265-267, 1995-08-25 (Released:2017-12-21)

The activity of topical anesthesia for the needling pain of local anesthetic injection was examined by using visual analog scale in the eight healthy volunteers. Volunteers were applied topical anesthesia (5% benzocaine) or placebo at mucobuccal region of canine. The needling pain of local anesthetic injection was assessed at mucobuccal region of canine at 1.5 minutes after applying topical anesthesia or placebo. There were no significant differences between these two groups ; one was applied topical anesthesia, the other was applied placebo. We assumed that the time allowed from application of topical anesthesia to local anesthesia to local anesthetic infiltration was not long enough to cause differences.
自見 英治郎
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.59, no.5.6, pp.199-209, 2005-12-25 (Released:2017-12-20)

破骨細胞は骨吸収を司る多核巨細胞であり,骨吸収因子によって骨芽細胞/骨髄ストローマ細胞の細胞膜表面に誘導されるRANKLと破骨細胞前駆細胞が発現するRANKとの細胞間接触を介して誘導される.さらに遺伝子ターゲティングの結果から,RANKL, RANKが破骨細胞分化に必須の因子であることが証明された.以前から,局所に浸潤するT細胞やリンパ球やこれらの細胞から産生されるサイトカインなどが,骨破壊に関与することが知られていたが,近年,免疫系細胞による骨代謝調節機構を解明する研究として「骨免疫学」が提唱され,発展している.例えば,RANKLは,カルシウム依存性のカルシニューリンを介して特異的にかつ持続的にT細胞の活性化に重要な役割を担う転写因子,NFATc1を活性化する.NFATc1を欠損したES細胞から破骨細胞は誘導されず,またNFATc1遺伝子を破骨細胞前駆細胞に強制発現させるとRANKL刺激なしに破骨細胞を誘導できることから,NFATc1は破骨細胞のマスター分子と考えられる.骨代謝と免疫応答を結び付けるもうひとつの因子はNF-κBである.NF-κBのp50,p52二重欠損マウスは大理石骨病を呈し,IKKα,やNIK欠損マウスでも破骨細胞形成の抑制が認められる.さらにNF-κBの活性化経路を選択的に阻害するNBDペプチドは破骨細胞形成を抑制する.NF-κBが破骨細胞分化に必須の因子であることは広く受け入れられているが,NF-κBの標的遺伝子を同定し,NF-κBによる破骨細胞分化の分子メカニズムを解明することが重要である.
仲西 修 山室 宰 亀山 秀一郎 天野 裕治 東 真実 今井 弘貴 梅田 健一郎 椎葉 俊司 西 正勝
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.48, no.4, pp.463-472, 1994-08-25 (Released:2017-12-21)

This study was undertaken to assess the effect of different concentrations of nitrous oxide combined with a low dosage of midazolam on pain sensation in the buccal region of the human face. Twenty healthy subjects (male : 16, female : 4), male and female varying in age from 23 to 28 years (mean ; 24.9 years) and from 23 to 30 years (mean ; 25.8 years), and weighing from 52 to 85 kg (mean ; 66.1 kg) and from 46 to 49 kg (mean ; 47.1 kg) respectively, were involved in this study. All subjects were administered midazolam (0.025 mg/kg) intravenously, and divided into three groups ; the first inhaled 25% N_2O and 75% oxygen (25% N_2O group), the second inhaled 40% N_2O and 60% oxygen (40% N_2O group), and the third inhaled 60% N_2O and 40% oxygen (60% N_2O group). All subjects were reclined on dental chair comfortably in the supine position 10 minutes prior to start of the experiment. Three control tests were carried out with inhalation of room air at 10 minute intervals. One of the three concentrations of nitrous oxide (25% N_2O, 40% N_2O and 60% N_2O) was inhaled within 5 minutes by face mask after injection of midazolam into the forearm without the subject's knowledge for 30 minutes, and the mask was removed after oxygen inhalation for 5 minutes in succession after turning off the nitrous oxide gas. Three tests each for thresholds of tactile sensation using nylon^[○!R] thread (point load 0.004 g, 0.01 g, 0.2 g), and of pain sensation using an esthesiometer (point load 1-10 g) on the buccal region of the face were made at 10 minutes' intervals during N_2O inhalation and withdrawal periods. The results obtained are as follows. 1) The threshold of tactile sensation in the buccal region increased 17% and 19% over the control in the 40% N_2O group and the 60% N_2O group, respectively, but there were no significant differences between the groups. 2) The threshold of pain sensation in the buccal region showed significant increases from the control value in the 40% N_2O group during N_2O inhalation period, and the 25% N_2O group and 60% N_2O group showed significant increases from the control value at the 10 minutes point and 30 minutes point in the inhalation period, respctively. Especially in 40% N_2O group, significant increases were seen much more than in the 25% N_2O group at the 30 minutes point in the inhalation period. 3) In the condition of consciousness of 25% N_2O group and 40% N_2O group, there were significant differences during the N_2O inhalation term, and significant decreases appeared in blood pressure and heart rate during the N_2O inhalation term. These results indicate that the analgesic effect of 40% nitrous oxide combined with midazolam and the sedative effect of 25% nitrous oxide combined with midazolam are better than those of the other concentrations of nitrous oxide. It is the best way of the dental treatment to use infiltration under the 25% nitrous oxide with midazolam (0.025 mg/kg) for patient pain and fear.
津村 敏克 宗 洋一郎 山本 博武
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.32, no.2, pp.113-118, 1978 (Released:2017-12-22)

The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between gingival massage with a toothbrush and increased protection of gingiva. Fifteen clinical students with a healthy gingiva participated in this study. The maxillary left incisors, canines and labial marginal gingiva were decided as the experimental side and the right side as the control. The participants stopped their oral hygiene during the experiment, but an examiner performed gingival massage twice every day. At the gingival massage, the examined teeth were covered with a vinyl chloride plate in order not to remove the plaque. The schedule of this study was as follows : 1. Preliminary period. (20 days, scaling, brushing and flossing once every day) 2. Experiment period. (30 days ; gingiva of the experimental side was stimulated with a toothbrush twice every day) Plaque score was evaluated according to the P.I. (Loe & Silness) every fourth day and gingival condition was evaluated according to G.I. (Loe & Silness) every second day by the examiner. Also gingival exudate was scored on 0, 14th, 22nd and 30th day and gingival pocket depth was scored on 0, 14th and 30th day. During the experiment, there was no significant difference between the P.I. of the experimental and control sides, but gingival inflammation of the experimental side developed more mildly and slowly than that of the control side.
山田 博 杉野 信孝 井本 廣麿 今田 吉紀
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.34, no.1, pp.1-8, 1980-05-25 (Released:2017-12-22)

我々は南米インカ人骨と思われる頭蓋骨1コ, 下顎骨5コについて調査した.その結果を要約すると次のごとくである.1. 頭蓋骨の計測結果によると, 頭長幅示数では短頭型, 頭長高示数では高頭型であった.またコルマン氏上顔示数では中上顔型, 眼窩は高眼窩型, 鼻は広鼻型, 口蓋は広口蓋型であった.2. 後頭部においてはインカ骨ならびに多くの縫合骨が認められ, 骨全般の縫合状態はきわめて緩かであった.3. 頭蓋骨に残存している6本の歯はやや大きく, 咬耗も少なく, 且つ智歯はまだ萌出していない.従って, 頭蓋骨は20才前後の若年者ではないかと思われる.4. 5コの下顎骨はいずれもがっしりした構造をしており, 特に下顎枝の発達がよく, 咀嚼筋の停止部は強い粗面を呈していた.また, 下顎切痕示数値は低い数値を示し, 切痕が浅いことが認められた.5. 歯は現代人にくらべやや大きく, 特に智歯が大きく, 退化的形態はあまり認められなかった.また歯の咬耗は, No.1, 2, 3が最も強く, いずれも40才代前後の熟年者だと考えられる.No.4は咬耗が少なく, 智歯も未萌出で, 20才前のものと考えられる.No.5は30才代以上の熟年者ではないかと思われる.
寺坂 修治 岸本 一雄 西澤 浩太郎 空閑 祥浩
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.56, no.1, pp.51-54, 2002-02-25 (Released:2017-12-20)

The incidence of broken needles during dental treatment has decreased significantly since the development of disposable dental needles. Recent articles on this subject, however, have been seldom reported. The following case report serves the management of a broken needle in the pterygomandibular space. The case of a 63-year-old man was brought to our office by a dentist who reported that broke a 30-gauge needle while administering a left inferior alveolar nerve block. The dentist attempted to remove the needle but in vain. The CT and radiograph were evaluated and the location of needle was identified. Under general anesthesia vertical mucosal incision was made, blunt dissection was used and the needle was found and removed safely.
佐々木 正剛
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.36, no.3, pp.433-467, 1982-06-25 (Released:2017-12-22)
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This paper describes the study performed in July 1979 to obtain the data on the tooth size and to investigate the morphologic characteristics of the tooth crown in the Paiwan tribe of the Taiwan aborigines. Hard plaster models were taken from 220 Paiwans inhabiting in a mountain area in Heito District, Taiwan. The author has conducted a comparison study between the Paiwan and the Japanese among other races, in particular, from the physical anthropological point of view. The results were as follows. 1. The data obtained show that the tooth size of the Paiwan tribe is little different from that of Japanese, the Ami and Atayal tribes, etc. but slightly smaller than that of the Ami and Atayal tribes and rather closer to that of the Japanese except for the labio-lingual diameter of the maxillary canine that is greater than that of the Japanese. 2. The frequency of occurrence of the double shovel-shaped incisors was found in 19.2% in male and 11.3% in female in the upper central incisors with very low frequency in other incisors. These data were compared with those of the Japanese and slightly less frequency was shown in the latter. The very high frequency of occurrence of the shovel-shaped incisor was found in 94.8% in male and 95.6% in female in the upper central incisors and in 85.9% in male and 81.7% in female in the lateral incisors, which were almost equal to those in the Ami and Atayal tribes and the inhabitants of Ishigaki Island but much higher than those for the Japanese in other parts. 3. The occlusal surface groove in the upper first premolar is of the basic A-type, in many cases, whereas that in the second premolar is of the more atrophic C-type, in many cases, showing the similar characteristics to those of the other Japanese, etc. 4. The occlusal surface pattern of the lower first premolar was mostly of E-type of the occlusal surface groove at the two cusp and the second premolar was mostly of the Types-A and -B at the three cusp. This is very similar to those of the inhabitants of Tanegashima and Ishigaki Islands but slightly different from those of the Kyushu inhabitants. 5. The very low degree of atrophy of the hypocone observed in the upper first molar was almost similar to that of the Ami and Atayal tribes. However, the degree of distinct atrophy of the hypocone in the second molar was lower than that of the Japanese. The mesiodistally compressed crown type, one of the forms of atrophy in the upper molars, was not observed in the first molar but often found in the second molar, which were higher in frequency of occurrence than that of the Japanese. The frequency of occurrence of the Carabelli cusp was 6.5% which is nearly equal to that of the Japanese and the Ami and Atayal tribes. 6. As to the occlusal surface morphology of the lower molar, 44.8% of the first molar was of the dryopithecus pattern of its basic type. This rate is less than that in the Japanese and the neighboring races. Especially, this pattern was hardly seen in the Ami and Atayal tribes of the Taiwan aborigines. From this point of view, this pattern may be considered as the characteristic physical morphology of the Taiyan aborigines. Namely, in the Paiwan tribe, the occlusal surface of the lower molar showed distinct atrophy of the groove pattern and little atrophy of the cusp. 7. The frequency of occurrence of the protostylid was 9.3% in the first molar which is approximately in the middle between those of the Ami and Atayal tribes and slightly less than that of the Japanese. The 6th cusp was observed in 23.3% of the first molar and 6.0% of the second molar, which are considerably less than those of the Hawaians and Polynesians showing little difference from those of the Japanese. The 7th cusp was observed in 7.4% of the first molar showing little difference from that of the Japanese. The deflecting wrinkle was observed only in the first molar with the frequency of occurrence of 53.4%, which(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
藤井 勝也 永松 浩 永松 有紀 小園 凱夫
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.60, no.4.5, pp.112-123, 2006-12-01 (Released:2017-12-11)

河岸 重則 小川 孝雄 中村 修一 田中 敏子 安部 一紀 深井 穫博
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.54, no.3, pp.258-263, 2000

ネパール王国テチョー村における国際保健医療協力の一環として, 1997年に村人の健康に直結する生活用水の水質調査を実施した.村では水道水不足のため, 溜め池の水や湧き水も生活用水として利用されていた.このため, 水道の水源, 水道施設, 溜め池, 湧き水などから採取した試料について, 一般細菌など健康に関わる基本的な12項目について検査を実施した.この調査で明らかになった問題点の一つは, 全ての試料で砒素が検出され, 特に湧き水と溜め池の水ではかなり高い値を示したことである.しかし, この調査では簡易測定法で実施されたため正確な砒素濃度は不明であった.そこでこの度, 原子吸光法を用いて砒素の精密測定を実施した.試料は水道施設, 溜め池, 湧き水について前回と同じ場所で採取した.砒素の精密分析は現地では不可能なため, 帰国直前に採水し, 九州歯科大学で行った.その結果簡易法と異なり, 原子吸光法ではいずれの試料にも砒素は検出されなかった.砒素の簡易測定法は, 他の測定項目に比して適用範囲が狭く, 測定は慎重に行うべきことが示唆される.いずれにせよ, この結果は村の水は砒素に関しては安全であることを示す.また, 前回検査しなかった残留塩素についても, 簡易法により測定した.水道水は一応さらし粉処理されていたが, 残留塩素は検出されなかった.これはこの水には容易に細菌が繁殖しやすい可能性がある事を示し, 早急な対策が必要である.さらに, 我々は以前フッ素洗口の実施に先立ち簡易法でフッ素の測定を行っていたが, 今回精密測定を実施した.全ての試料でフッ素濃度は0.2 mg/l以下であった.これは以前の結果を確証し, フッ素洗口の意義の根拠を与えるものである.
宮崎 秀夫 花田 信弘 中山 浩太郎 十亀 輝 重岡 利幸 児島 正明 松田 修司 竹原 直道
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.40, no.5, pp.1137-1142, 1986

鹿児島県長島高校生(15&acd;18歳), 181名を対象に, CPITN (WHO)を用いた歯周疾患の疫学調査を行なった.その結果, 長島高校生の9割弱が歯肉出血(Code 1)以上の歯周疾患の症状を呈しており, 歯石沈着(Code 2)以上の所見が認められる者の比率でみると, 北九州の高校生より, 20% (女)&acd;40%(男)高かった.また, 歯周疾患の処置の必要性に関しては, 長島高校生の約90%が口腔清掃指導を必要としており, 80%以上が除石を必要としていた.しかしながら, 複雑な治療を要する者は1名もいなかった.以上の所見より, 集団歯科保健指導や管理が行なわれやすいこの時期(高校生)までに, 歯周疾患に関する徹底した指導, 教育と, スクリーニングの必要性が示唆された.
冨永 和宏 土生 学 吉岡 泉
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.63, no.3, pp.122-132, 2009 (Released:2010-06-15)

顎関節症の現在の治療概念を概説した.顎関節症はself-limiting diseaseであるので,治療の方針は可逆的で侵襲の少ないものを選ぶべきである.炎症や咀嚼筋のこりが関節痛や機能障害の原因であるため,特に初期においては投薬での消炎,鎮痛に取り組む.関節の炎症や筋のこりの背景には生活習慣を含むさまざまな寄与因子を基にする過負荷があるため,スプリントだけでなく習慣改善やリラキゼーションプログラムの教育,指導が重要である.投薬などで初期の炎症期を制御した後に開口訓練,マニプレーション,関節パンピング,関節洗浄など開口度を増加させる方法が効果的となる.顎関節は大きな適応能力を持っており,それは顎運動によって活性化する.関節の適応能力を活発にするための理学療法が顎関節症の治療に重要な役割を果たす.寄与因子,予見因子のコントロールと減少が症状減弱後も必要で,それは長期にわたって日課として続けられなければならない.難治性の患者では精神医学的な対応も検討されるべきである.クリックのみの患者や画像上の変化だけで臨床症状の乏しい患者は治療の対象にはならないが,悪習癖を持っているなら習慣改善の教育が勧められる.
大木 淳
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.36, no.1, pp.212-227, 1982

In orthodontics, mouth-breathing is cited as one of the causes of maxillary protrusion, for it is considered that the pressure balance among the lips, cheeks, tongue, and intraoral air pressures which determine the tooth position and the dental arch form changes by mouth-breathing. However, this belief has not been experimentally demonstrated sufficiently. Therefore, differences in pressures by the soft tissues between normal breathing and mouth-breathing and the effects of these differences on the dental arch form were examined. For this purpose, nine subjects with normal occlusion were measured for the following pressures during a 30-minute period of normal breathing at rest and during the same duration of experimental mouth-breathing : the lip and tongue pressures at the upper right central incisor ; the cheek and tongue pressure at the upper right second premolar ; and the intraoral air pressures at the labial side of the upper right central incisor (the labial region), at the central palate (the palatal region) and at the buccal side of the upper right second premolar (the buccal region). The results were as follow : 1. With the change in the mode of breathing, between normal and experimental mouth-breathing at rest (30-minute period), the time pressure integral of the lip pressure at the upper right central incisor decreased significantly in mouth-breathing. The oral negative pressures at the labial region and the palatal region also decreased significantly. 2. Positive correlation was recognized between the lip pressure at the upper central incisor and the negative pressure of the labial region, between the tongue pressure at the same side and the negative pressure of the palatal region and between the cheek pressure at the upper second premolar and the negative pressure of the buccal region. 3. At the upper central incisor, a relative increase in the tongue pressure as against the lip pressure was observed during mouth-breathing in eight of the nine subjects. At the upper second premolars, a relative increase in the tongue pressure as against the cheek pressure was observed in seven of the nine subjects. However, the degree of the increase was less as compared with the upper central incisor. The foregoings are suggestive of the possibility that mouth-breathing may cause labial inclination of the upper incisors.
山本 征治
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.57, no.6, pp.169-176, 2003

In recent years, various kinds of sports populations of youths and elders are dramatically increasing. In order that these support population can participate in a sport more happily and more safely, we have to take the safety measures for preventing serious injury of the oral maxillofacial region. Especially, for contact sports, mouth-guards, shoulder pads, leg-guards, tapings are need to be equipped as a protector for traumatic injury, It was reported that mouth-guards were useful not only to prevent injury, but to improve sport capability, and a relationship between the physiological function of the oral maxillofacial region and physical activity came to attract attention. In this paper, I will discuss the present status and the future view of sports dentistry, such as the efficacy of mouth-guards and occlusal relation on physical capability, based on the previous scientific reports and articles related to sports dentistry.
大井 清
九州歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03686833)
vol.47, no.1, pp.235-247, 1993-02-25 (Released:2017-12-21)

Using the technique of in vivo microdialysis, extracellular concentrations of dopamine, 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) were determined in the nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area, while Sprague-Dawley rats underwent lidocaine perfusion and intravenation. The microdialysis probe had semipermeable cellulose tubes (molecular weight cutoff 50, 000 : O. D. 0.22mm). Perfusion was started 12 hours after implantation of the microdialysis probe under a freely-moving condition. Measurement of the extracellular concentrations of dopamine, DOPAC and HVA was made at 20 minute intervals, which was started 120 minutes after the onset of the perfusion. Dopamine, DOPAC and HVA were quantified by a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with an electrochemical detector. The results were as follows : 1. Extracellular dopamine levels decreased in perfusion of 10^<-3> M lidocaine for 100 minutes in nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area of rat brain, but they did not change in perfusion of 10^<-4>&acd;10^<-6> M lidocaine. 2. Extracellular dopamine levels did not change in intravenation of 0.74mg/min lidocaine for 20 minutes in nucleus accumbens and ventral tegmental area of rat brain. 3. It is assumed that the high concentration lidocaine inhibited mesolimbic dopamine neuron activity, but the lidocaine did not inhibit mesolimbic dopamine neuron activity when it's concentration was less than convulsion threshold.