稲田 秀雄
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.3, pp.65-74, 102_a, 1997-03-25

Concerning Mai-Kyogen (or dancing comic interludes), particular farce parodying both the form and wording of Noh, we rearranged the orders of the composition of each work, and made a synthetic consideration of the characteristics of the plot and plan. Mai-Kyogen is classified into the following two systems : in one of which ghosts of handicraftsmen and showfolk play leading roles and in the other of which ghosts of little living things (who are generally doomed to be eaten by human beings) play leading roles. The latter system came into existence in the style of the former one, but the ideas of both systems bear a profound relation to each other, in which are described handicraftsmen and showfolk, living things who help them make a living, and the relations with those poeple who consume and enjoy the products and public entertainments created by handicraftsmen and showfolk. Wherein we can recognize a new aspect different from one aspect as a parodied Noh indicated up to now.


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稲田秀雄「舞狂言覚書 : 職能民と草木虫魚」 http://t.co/jZMDsC6Y 能のパロディである「舞狂言」が職能民の生業を題材にしていることに着目した論文。動植物が主人公であれば職能民に採取・加工される。物尽くしも職人用語なのである。確かに!

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