友田 正司/加藤 祥子
共立薬科大学研究年報 (ISSN:04529731)
vol.11, pp.6-9, 1966-05-20

The water-soluble substances of the tuberous roots of Ophiopogon japonicus Ker-Gawler var. genuinus Maximowicz were obtained in 92% yield of the dry crude drug. The water-extract was fractionated by the chromatography on a column of charcoal-Celite, and D-glucose, D-fructose, sucrose and the other five oligosaccharide fractions were obtained. The carbohydrates have been examined by the use of paper partition chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography. D-Glucose, D-fructose and sucrose were identified respectively as D-glucose benzylphenylhydrazone, D-fructose methylphenylosazone, and sucrose octaacetate. The obtained all oligosaccharides were non-reducing glucofructan. The results of quantitative determinations of the monosaccharides and oligosaccharides showed that the water-extract contains 9.1% of D-glucose, 6.7% of D-fructose, 4.8% of sucrose and 56.7% of the other oligosaccharides.


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こんな論文どうですか? バクモンドウの水溶性糖質(第 1 報) : 単糖類および少糖類の単離と定量(友田 正司/加藤 祥子),1966 https://t.co/swZKXl1UPe

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