岸本 広司
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.27, pp.129-166, 1994-02-28

Edmund Burke supported the American colonists before the Revolution, notwithstanding the "conservatism" of his beliefs. He served as agent for the New York Assembly from 1770 to 1775 and did every thing in in his power to prevent the outbreak of hostilities, by reconciling British sovereignty and American liberty. On April 19,1774,Burke delivered his Speech on American Taxation, in which he spoke in support of a motion for the repeal of the Tea Duty. Then, Burke gave his Speech on Consiliation with America, on March 22,1775,when political tension was at its highest point, and when alreacy the quarrel between Great Britain and her colonies had drifted to the verge of war. This speech has been studied and admired as a masterpiece of oratory. In this paper, I examine principally the political thought of Burke in the two Speeches on America.


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