岸本 広司
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.28, pp.187-212, 1994-09-30

On November 16,1775,Edmund Burke introduced his last plan for conciliation. This plan marked a fundamental change in his thinking, for in it Burke indicated his willingness to repudiate the right of parliament to tax America for revenue. Burke's Bill was negatived by 210 votes to 105,and it was immediately followed by Lord North's American Prohibiting Bill. On May 1777,Burke published A Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol. With On American Taxation (1774) and On Conciliation with America (1775), A Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol completes the trilogy of his pronouncements on America. In this Pamphet, Burke expained the reasons for the Rockinghams' secession, then went on to examine the American question again, and finally gave a eloquent, generalized defense of a practical approach to politics. I study the prudential political thought of Burke in his last plan for conciliation and in his A Letter to Sheriffs of Bristol.


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