白瀬 英春 佐藤 宣践 村上 繁
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.18, pp.23-33, 1988

Currently the system of school rules has been taken up in discussion and in the education world has been debated as an important problem. In particular the rule concerning shaven heads has arguements for and against from both teachers and students. In the schoolsports sector it can be said that there has been a reduction trend but it can't be denied that there are still a lot of people with shaven heads. With this base, a survey at each level will be conducted to find out firstly, what kind of attitude students and pupils have towards shaven heads and secondly, how the instructors interpret this and the affect it has on instruction. Observations will be made regarding the modern meaning of shaven heads in democratic education.


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「学校 頭髪」での論文検索結果 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/search?q=%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E3%80%80%E9%A0%AD%E9%AB%AA&range=0&count=20&sortorder=1&type=0 「頭髪指導」 https://ci.nii.ac.jp/search?q=%E9%A0%AD%E9%AB%AA%E6%8C%87%E5%B ...

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