三栗 崇 三栗 多仁子 野口 泰博
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.6, pp.13-25, 1976

Women's tecniques on long horse vault have being level with men's tecniques in the world of gymnatics at present. Jump forward with 1/2 turn and salto backward picked rises in TSUKAHARA SALTO TUCKED. Mr. Tsukahara first had performed TSUKAHARA SALTO TUCKED at all japan artistic gymnastic competition in 1969. The tecnique has become changed from tucked to piked and stretched. Russian gymnast, Miss Tsurishityowa had performed Jump forward with 1/2 turn and salto backward tucked at the world championships in 1974 in Waruna. and Miss Kimm had performed Jump forward with 1/2 turn and salto backward tucked with full turn at the last Olympic Games in Montreal in 1976. so she had become a gold medalist. We think Vaults with salto have an advantage over Vaults with turn for score in the second flight of the long horse vaults. Many women's gymnasts in Japan have performed Handspring forward with full turn, however, Few of them have performed Jump forward with 1/2 turn and salto backward piked. This study analyzes the performance morphologically. Two women and a man are examined for it. Results are as fellows; Three gymnasts are almost equal in times of revolution on upper trunk in the second flight. And so performances they execute from releasing the hands to first half of the revolution decide if they are good exercise or bad. In releasing the hands, Superior gymnasts are larger on angles of upper trunk learn than a inferior gymnast and their bent hip is smaller. so this suggest that women's gymnasts will can perform Jump forward with 1/2 turn and salto backward streched in the furture.


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こんな論文どうですか? 女子跳馬の1/2ひねり倒立回転とび後方屈身宙返りに関する形態学的一考察(三栗 崇ほか),1976 http://t.co/InZre20z
こんな論文どうですか? 女子跳馬の1/2ひねり倒立回転とび後方屈身宙返りに関する形態学的一考察(三栗 崇ほか),1976 http://t.co/InZre20z

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