志水 義夫
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.77, pp.41-58, 2002

Kojiki is intrinsically a work of lineage, and a work of lineage possesses immmanent "narrative power" whose function is to explain words in the text to such an extent that a series of images emerges, to generate a story. Kojiki (vol.2 and vol.3) show that in Tennnouki we find two types of description : type-A is the description for thereading itself, Type-B, on the other hand, is the one for the purpose of story-telling. In regard to the interactions between these two, Type-A includes and governs Type-B ; Type-B stays within and seldom gets out of Type-A's Through this classification, a new lineage-governed text structure emerges as a stoy. Aithough Kojiki vol.1 does not exactly follow the same description method, it obviously consists of these two types of description. Kojiki vol.1 should also be regarded as a work of lineage. In this paper on "Kuni Umi Shinwa" we studied and confirmd the relationships between the lineage-text of the Izanaki-Izanami encounter followed by the creation of our land, and the corresponding images of why, how, when and where this couple of deities asted in each event.


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