大津 尚志
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
vol.34, pp.381-389, 1995-02-28

In this study, I intend to examine the existing textbook system in America, special attention be put to the way how national government control the system. According to the Tenth Amendment, it is not the federal government but the states that have authority over education. It is the states and school districts which have the authority to control over the adoption of textbooks. As a result, it is a limited control system instead of a complete control system as the one in Japan. In this paper, I would outline the existing textbook system in America in terms of its effects, issues and controversies and my research is focus on a comparative textbook system between America and Japan.


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「アメリカの教科書制度 : 限定的コントロールシステム」「大津 尚志 OTSU Takashi」「教育行政学」

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