村井 貞彰
山形大学紀要. 農学 = Bulletin of the Yamagata University. Agricultural science (ISSN:05134676)
vol.2, no.3, pp.189-193, 1957-02-25

In the primary report,the author considered that,some individuals of the egg parasites may occur twice a year. On October in 1953, the author collected one egg pod in which were enclosed 15 individuals of Scelio tsuruokensis, though it seemed to have passed through the period of the appearance in that year, and was impossible to the emergence (MURAI 1954). Thereupon, the author has continued rearing of this individuals. On the other hand, the adults of Scelio nuraii, which were collected on the ridges of the paddy field, were reared in the laboratory. Thus,the author has gained some knowledge as to the number of times of the occurrence. ln the present paper the results of the ecological studies of adults of the egg parasites are shown. A special study was made on the number of times of theo ccurrerence and the longevity.


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